Women are more likely to be bisexual than men, astudy has found.
The poll of more than 9,000 young adults foundthat females were also more likely to choose the label'mostly heterosexual'. They were also more likely tochange their mind about their sexuality. In contrast,males tended to describe themselves as '100 percent heterosexual' or '100 per cent homosexual'.
Researcher Elizabeth McClintock, of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, said: 'This indicatesthat women's sexuality may be more flexible and adaptive than men's.' Her study comes asgrowing numbers of female celebrities openly talk about being bisexual.
来自印第安纳州(Indiana)圣母大学(the University of Notre Dame)的调研员伊丽莎白·麦克林托克(Elizabeth McClintock)说:“这个研究表明,相比于男性,女性的性取向更加多变。”这项研究的背景是越来越多的女艺人公开宣布自己是双性恋。

Hollywood actresses Angelina Jolie had a love affair with Japanese-American model JennyShimizu. Jolie, who now has six children with actor Brad Pitt, once said that, in differentcircumstances, she would 'probably have married Jenny'. Supermodel Cara Delevingne hasinsisted her bisexuality is not a phase and actress Amber Heard had a long-term relationshipwith a female photographer before marrying Johnny Depp.
好莱坞演员安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)曾与日裔美籍模特清水珍妮(Jenny Shimizu)传出绯闻。朱莉现在已与演员布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)育有六个孩子,她曾经这么说:如果不是现在这样,我“有可能会和珍妮结婚”。超模卡拉·迪瓦伊(Cara Delevingne)坚持自己的双性恋不是阶段性的,而女演员艾梅柏·希尔德(Amber Heard)在与约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)结婚之前,和一位女摄影师有过长时间的暧昧关系。
Dr McClintock analyzed the results of a US study in which more than 5,000 women and 4,000men were quizzed on their sexuality three times as between their teens and their late 20s. Onaverage, they were 16 years old when first polled, 22 when spoken to the second time, and 28when they give their final set of answers.
Questions included whether they would describe themselves as '100 per cent heterosexual','mostly heterosexual', 'bisexual', 'mostly homosexual' or '100 per cent homosexual'. Thewomen were more likely than the men to call themselves bisexual. They were also three timesmore likely to change their minds about their sexuality in their 20s, the American SociologicalAssociation's annual conference heard.
测试问题包括他们认为自己是“百分之百异性恋”、“异性恋为主”、“双性恋”、“同性恋为主”还是“百分之百同性恋”。在美国社会学学会(American Sociological Association)年度会议上,有人表示:相比于男性,女性更容易自视为双性恋,她们在二十几岁时改变性取的可能性是男性的三倍。
Dr McClintock said that 'male eroticization' of the topic allows women to experiment by, forinstance, kissing other females at parties, without being stigmatized.
And while women don't choose to find to be bisexual, their circumstances can affect theiraffections. For instance, her analysis showed that attractive women were more likely to thinkof themselves as purely heterosexual.
Dr McClintock said that women may be less likely to experiment with bisexuality when they findit particularly easy to find a male partner. However, women with the same sexual attractions,but less favorable heterosexual options may have greater opportunity to experiment withsame-sex partners.
The study also found that young mums often thought of themselves as being heterosexual intheir early 20s, only to lean towards bisexuality a few years later. Men in contrast, tend to bemore set in their ways.
The researcher said: 'Men are less often attracted to both sexes. Men's sexuality is, in a sense,less flexible. If a man is only attracted to one sex, romantic opportunity would little alter hissexual identity.'