双语阅读:性、婚姻和爱情 年长女性的文化突围

发布时间:2017-03-16 18:04

摘要:过去42年里,有两个词一直困扰着埃丽卡·容(Erica Jong)。第一个是“zipless”,第二个词则不适宜刊在这张报纸上(即“zipless fxxk”——译注)。

Two words have vexed Erica Jong for the last 42years. The first is “zipless,” and the word that follows is not printable in this newspaper.

The two-word phrase, immortalized in her 1973 best-selling novel, “Fear of Flying,” which hassold more than 27 million copies, entered the cultural lexicon as a shorthand for casual,consequence-free sex. It turned Ms. Jong into a feminist heroine of sorts and avatar offemale sexual liberation, and helped propel and define her career.

过去42年里,有两个词一直困扰着埃丽卡·容(Erica Jong)。第一个是“zipless”,第二个词则不适宜刊在这张报纸上(即“zipless fxxk”——译注)。

这两个词组成的短语因她1973年的畅销小说,售出2700万多册的《怕飞》(Fear of Flying)而不朽,成为随意、不顾后果的性爱的代名词,被载入文学史册。它令容在某种意义上成为女权主义的英雄,乃至女性性解放的化身,在促进她事业发展的同时,也限定了她的事业生涯。

It was also meant to be satirical, Ms. Jong said, but was misconstrued as an endorsement ofunbridled lust.


双语阅读:性、婚姻和爱情 年长女性的文化突围


“People so misinterpreted ‘zipless,’ ” Ms. Jong, 73, said during an interview at her Upper EastSide apartment. “I say in ‘Fear of Flying’ that it’s a Platonic ideal and a fantasy, and I havenever had one, but people seem to overlook that.”


Now, decades later, she has exhumed and rebranded the phrase in her new novel, “Fear ofDying,” which is being billed as the “spiritual” sequel to “Fear of Flying” and is being released onTuesday.

如今,几十年过后,她的新小说《怕死》(Fear of Dying)将在周二出版,它被成为《怕飞》的“精神”续集,书中她重新挖掘出这个短语,并且重新塑造它的形象。

While “Fear of Flying” shocked readers with its frank depiction of the sexual appetite andindependence of its protagonist, Isadora Wing, “Fear of Dying” takes on an another, morepersistent taboo by depicting — in blunt, unvarnished detail — sex between older adults. Ms.Jong’s new character, a grandmother in her 60s, is lusty and vivacious and searching for carnalsatisfaction at a casual-sex site called zipless.com.

《怕飞》中直白地描写性欲,以及主人公伊莎多拉·温(Isadora Wing)独立的性格,令读者大为震惊;而《怕死》则以直率质朴的细节描写老年人的性爱,从而触及另一个更为持久的禁忌。容笔下新的主人公是一位60岁的祖母,充满欲望,性格活泼,在一个名叫zipless.com的约炮网站上寻觅肉体的满足。

“I’ve always wanted to write the books for women that didn’t yet exist, so I thought, I have towrite about an older woman who is sexual, attractive and wants to reach out for life,” Ms. Jongsaid. “That’s not celebrated, sadly, and I would hope that a lot of older women who read thisbook realize that sex doesn’t disappear, it just changes forms.”


The story centers on Vanessa Wonderman, a former actress terrified of aging and death. Sheseeks escape from her sexless marriage to a much older man with erectile dysfunction bysearching for lovers online. The surreal encounters that follow — an email exchange with a manwho introduces himself by sending lewd photos, another who wants her to wear a black rubbersuit, an unsatisfying hotel tryst with an old married flame — leave Vanessa reeling and worriedthat her sex life might be over. (This being an Erica Jong novel, it isn’t.)

故事的主线是退休女演员凡妮莎·范德曼(Vanessa Wonderman)对衰老与死亡的恐惧。她想逃离与比自己老得多,有勃起障碍的丈夫的无性婚姻,于是在网上寻觅情人。接下来是一串超现实的邂逅――一个男人写来电子邮件,以猥亵的照片作为自我介绍,还有一个男人希望她穿黑色橡胶紧身衣。和一个已婚老年情人在酒店的幽会不能令人满足,凡妮莎心烦意乱,担心自己的性生活就此告终了(不过这毕竟是埃丽卡·容的小说,她的性生活还完不了)。

Some of Ms. Jong’s fans and peers are calling the novel a long overdue corrective in a culturallandscape that deifies youth and often ignores older women, or relegates them to the role ofspinsters or crones.


“There is this giant void in the culture about women in that age group as heroines, asromantic beings, as sexual beings and as creative beings, and there’s not that void for men,”said Naomi Wolf, author of “The Beauty Myth.” “Women don’t stop being all those things astheir lives continue into those decades.”

“文化中有一个巨大的空白,没有人把年老的女人塑造为女主角,塑造成浪漫的人,性感的人,富于创造性的人,男性就没有这样的空白,”《美丽迷思》(The Beauty Myth)一书的作者娜奥米·伍尔夫(Naomi Wolf)说。“女人就算步入老年,也仍然会成为这样的人。”

“Fear of Dying” is landing in the middle of a long-festering debate about the social and culturalobstacles older women face. The comedian Amy Schumer has skewered the frequent sideliningof older actresses in a widely viewed skit built around the farcical — though just barely —premise that an aging actress’s desirability could dissipate in a single day. Sex therapists andgurus have published dozens of manuals and self-help books with titles like “Sex for Seniors”and “Sex Over 50.” There is also the gag book “Sex After 60,” which is blank inside.

关于年老女性所面临的社会与文化困境的讨论还在持续加剧,《怕死》的出现恰逢其时。喜剧演员艾米·舒默(Amy Schumer)在一则被广泛收看的小品里讽刺年长女演员经常被边缘化的现象,它建立在一个滑稽的前提之下(其实几乎已经不滑稽了)——一个年老女演员的魅力一夜间就消失了。性爱治疗师和上师们出版了几十本 《老年人性爱》、《50岁后的性爱》之类的指导手册和励志书。还有一本恶作剧的书名叫《60岁后的性爱》(Sex After 60),里面全是空白。

But the subject hasn’t been widely explored in popular fiction. “Women were not allowed tohave passion at 60,” Ms. Jong writes in “Fear of Dying.” “We were supposed to becomegrandmothers and retreat into serene sexlessness.”


Ms. Jong started out as a poet, and published two volumes of verse before selling “Fear ofFlying” to Aaron Asher, an editor whose roster of writers included Saul Bellow, Philip Roth andArthur Miller. Mr. Asher told Ms. Jong to expect sales of 3,000 copies, she recalled.

容早年曾是诗人,在《怕飞》之前出版过两本诗集,后来她把《怕飞》卖给亚伦·阿舍(Aaron Asher),此人曾为索尔·贝娄(Saul Bellow)、菲利普·罗斯(Philip Roth)和阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)担任编辑。容记得当时阿舍告诉她,这本书大概能卖出3000册。

Instead, the novel, about a young poet who travels to Vienna with her husband and attemptsto live out her fantasies by having an affair, became a blockbuster and cultural touchstone. JohnUpdike compared it to “The Catcher in the Rye,” and Henry Miller praised it as a groundbreakingliterary achievement. The book was translated into 40 languages and was credited by second-wave feminists with paving the way for women’s self-expression.

结果这本描写一个年轻女诗人和丈夫一起去维也纳旅行,试图靠外遇实现幻想的小说成了畅销书和文化里程碑。约翰·厄普迪克(John Updike)将它同《麦田守望者》(The Catcher in the Rye)相提并论,亨利·米勒(Henry Miller)说它是开创性的文学成就。这本书被译为40种语言,为女性的自我表达开辟了道路,经常被第二代女权主义者引用。

“What was really distinctive about it at the time was the notion that a woman could break outof the conventions of how a woman writer should write, and write with candor and humorabout topics that were taboo for women,” said Shelley Fisher Fishkin, an English professor atStanford University.

“在当时,这本书的特别之处就在于它带来一种观念,一个女人可以突破女性作家写作的传统,带着热情与幽默书写那些女性的禁忌题材,”斯坦福大学英语系教授雪莉·费舍·费什金(Shelley Fisher Fishkin)说。

Ms. Jong has since published three memoirs, five more volumes of poetry and eight othernovels, including historical fiction and a work about Sappho, but nothing has matched thepopularity of “Fear of Flying.” At times, she says, she has felt oppressed by being so closelyassociated with her brash fictional alter ego Isadora.


“Fear of Flying’ follows me everywhere,” she said.


She has been struggling to write “Fear of Dying” for a decade. At first she tried to make anolder, wiser Isadora the heroine. But bringing back that character felt forced. “There was somuch baggage around ‘Fear of Flying,’ ” she said. “The weight of those expectations was veryfrightening.”


Ms. Jong eventually sidelined Isadora to a cameo role as a worldly friend, and createdVanessa, who shares some obvious traits with the author. She used the book to explore thewrenching process of watching her parents’ slow demise, her fear of losing her looks andvitality, the joys of being a grandmother and her relationship with her daughter, Molly Jong-Fast, who, like Vanessa, struggled with drug addiction.

最后,容让伊莎多拉成了客串出场的配角,一个老成世故的朋友,而凡妮莎则与作者本人有着明显的相似之处。她用这本书来探索目睹父母缓慢逝去的痛苦过程、对失去自身美貌和活力的恐惧、当上外祖母的喜悦之情,乃至和自己女儿莫莉·容-法斯特(Molly Jong-Fast)之间的关系――她的女儿和凡妮莎一样,也要和毒瘾作斗争。

Ms. Jong’s warm, chatty persona and her tendency to blur the boundaries between her lifeand fiction often results in juicy reading. She once wrote about a one-night stand she had withMartha Stewart’s then-husband, Andy Stewart, at the Frankfurt Book Fair. But theautobiographical tropes can be trying for friends, family members, ex-husbands and formerlovers. (Her fourth marriage, to Ken Burrows, a divorce lawyer, has lasted 26 years.) Her sister,Suzanna Daou, confronted her publicly at a 2008 conference about “Fear of Flying,” and hassaid that the book embarrassed her and her husband by modeling characters after them.

容有着温暖、饶舌的性格,喜欢打乱生活与小说之间的界限,这常常会勾起读者的八卦之心。她写过自己和玛莎·斯图尔特(Martha Stewart)当时的丈夫安迪·斯图尔特(Andy Stewart)在法兰克福书展上搞一夜情。但是自传式的影射也可以用到朋友、家人、前夫和前情人们身上(她的第四次婚姻是与离婚律师肯·巴罗斯[KenBurrows],持续了26年)。2008年,她的姊妹苏珊娜·达奥乌(Suzanna Daou)在一次关于《怕飞》的研讨会上公开质问她,说这本书从她和她丈夫身上取材,让他们觉得尴尬。

Ms. Jong-Fast, who is also a writer, said she had not read “Fear of Dying” and did not plan to,noting that her having her time in treatment rehashed in fiction “would not have been my firstchoice.” The scenes from a mother-daughter trip to a rehabilitation clinic appear to be barelyfictionalized, and several paragraphs match an account of the episode in Ms. Jong’s mostrecent memoir nearly verbatim, with identical dialogue and descriptions.


“I don’t read her books,” Ms. Jong-Fast said. “For my mental health, it’s probably better notto.”


A few literary critics have taken aim at Ms. Jong’s self-referential style and habit of recyclingmaterial. A caustic review of her 2006 memoir in The Atlantic posited that Ms. Jong wasdoomed to “eternal self-imitation” after the success of “Fear of Flying,” and skewered her“stunning self-absorption.”

几位文学评论家已经批评容这种指向自我的风格和习惯是炒冷饭。2006年,《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)对她当年出版的回忆录发表了尖刻的评论,认为容在《怕飞》大获成功之后,注定要陷入“永远的自我模仿”,还批评她那种“惊人的自我陶醉”。

In an advance review of “Fear of Dying,” a critic for Kirkus Reviews said that “spending almost300 pages with Vanessa is like enduring a trans-Atlantic flight with a seat mate who neverstops talking but doesn’t have a whole lot to say.”

《科克斯评论》(Kirkus Reviews)发表了对《怕死》的预先评论,写道,“连看300页凡妮莎的故事就像在飞越大西洋的航班上,身边坐着一个不停说话的人,其实他根本没多少值得一说的东西。”

Ms. Jong said she had a thicker skin than she did earlier in her career and is more philosophicalabout negative reviews. “We can’t really control our image in the world,” she said. “But it stillhurts if you spend a decade on a book and people don’t like it.”


She has many vocal supporters, among them Susan Cheever; the historical novelist KenFollett, who said the new novel represented “Erica at her best”; and the novelist JenniferWeiner, who counts “Fear of Flying” as one of her literary influences.

她也拥有不少声援者,其中包括苏珊·契弗(Susan Cheever);历史小说家肯·福莱特(Ken Follett)说,《怕死》展现了“埃丽卡最好的一面”;小说家詹妮弗·韦纳(Jennifer Weiner)曾说《怕飞》影响了她的文学创作。

“ ‘Fear of Flying’ opened a lot of doors and eyes and made people look differently at that nicewoman sitting next to them on the train, and I think ‘Fear of Dying’ is going to have the sameeffect,” Ms. Weiner said.


Ms. Jong also found a fan in one of her comic heroes, Woody Allen, who loved “Fear of Dying”and unexpectedly gave it a blurb.

容热爱的喜剧明星里也有她的拥趸,伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)喜欢《怕死》,并且出人意料地为它做了腰封推荐。

“I was thinking of his famous quote, I’m not afraid of dying; I just don’t want to be there whenit happens, so I thought he should read this,” Ms. Jong said. “The first thing he said when wesent it was, ‘I never blurb anything.’ Then he relented.”


双语阅读:性、婚姻和爱情 年长女性的文化突围的评论条评论