
发布时间:2016-12-11 14:07


英语寓言故事4分钟1:I just lost two dollars

When the couple arrived in Los Angeles, the husband became fascinated by the plush(豪华的)casino and started betting on all the attractions. After four days, they had just two dollars left.

"Let me go to the casino alone," the man told his wife. "I ve got a feeling that I'll be luck today."

Once downstairs he went to the roulette(轮盘赌) table and put his last two dollars on No.14.red. His number won. He continued betting and winning. Within an hour, he had acquired $50000. Feeling that his luck was about to change, he picked up his chips and walked toward the cashier.

Just before he reached her, he felt one final urge to bet. He went back to the roulette table and put everything on No. 10, black. The wheel spun round and round, and finally stopped on No.12. red. Heartbroken, the fellow returned to his room.

"Well," his wife asked anxiously, "How did you make out?"

"I lost two dollars."

英语寓言故事4分钟2:The wily lion

A lion watched a fat bull feeding in a meadow, and his mouth watered when he thought of the royal feast he would make, but he did not dare to attack him, for he was afraid of his sharp horns. Hunger, however, presently compelled him to do something: and as the use of force did not promise success, he determined to resort to artifice.

Going up to the bull in friendly fashion, he said to him, "I cannot help saying how much I admire your magnificent figure, What a fine head!


What powerful shoulders and thighs! But, my dear friend, what in the world makes you wear those ugly horns? You must find them as awkward as they are unsightly. Believe me, you would do much better without them." The bull was foolish enough to be persuaded by this flattery to have his horns cut off; and, having now lost his only means of defence, fell an easyprey to the lion.

英语寓言故事4分钟3:The fox who served a lion

A lion had a fox to attend on him, and whenever they went hunting the fox found the preyand the lion fell upon it and killed it, and then they divided it between them in certain proportions.

But the lion always got a very large share, and the fox a very small one, which didn't please the latter at all, so he determined to set up on his own account.

He began by trying to steal a lamb from a flock of sheep, but the shepherd saw him and set his dogs on him. The hunter was now the hunted, and was very son caught and dispatched by the dogs.

Better servitude with safety than freedom with danger.
