
发布时间:2017-03-20 21:57





Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Today I’m going to talk about sandstorm.

Sandstorm is a kind of bad weather witch is becoming increasingly common in Northwestern China, and it usually happens in spring and fall. Though I’m only 13, I have experienced it and suffered from it quite a lot.

I’m sure most people still remember the sandstorm that happened last month. It swept across the large area of 11 provinces and caused a great loss to our nation.

As you can see on TV, when a sandstorm comes, the wind blows strongly with dust and sand. Sometimes trees are even broken down in half, and little birds cannot find their homes. Sometimes clouds of dust blur the vision, and little kids cannot find their ways. It’s like the end of the world.

When a sandstorm occurs, our classroom is filled with dust and sand. My poor teachers! They’ve breathed in enough chalk-powder. Now, they have to take in much dust. My poor fellow classmates! They told me they were almost dying.

We love beautiful spring. We cherish bright sunshine. But sandstorms destroy all the lovely things. Yet we know it is Mother Nature’s revenge on what we have done to her. In order to see blue sky and sunny spring again, we should plant more trees and more grass to protect the environment. And it is not too late if we start right now.

Though it’s a hard job to fight against the sandstorm, it is the battle we must fight, and it is a battle we must win!

Thank you!











William Somerset Maugham

That must be the story of innumerable couples, and the pattern of life of life it offers has a homely grace. It reminds you of a placid rivulet, meandering smoothly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees, till at last it falls into the vastly sea; but the sea is so calm, so silent, so indifferent, that you are troubled suddenly by a vague uneasiness. Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those days, that I felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss. I recognized its social value. I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course. There seemed to me something alarming in such easy delights. In my heart was desire to live more dangerously. I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous, shoals it I could only have change-change and the excitement of unforeseen.



Just a Little Bit More(再努力一点点)

Lots of people lose hope at the so-called 11th hour1. In sports terms, we say that they lose hope just before the finishing line. xiaogushi8.com They don’t think that they can be winners in life, but the truth is they can.

The 11th hour is the point when most people feel the pain. It is an important moment that decides whether you succeed or not. Champions always put in extra effort to become winners and succeed. Those who don’t put in extra effort leave the race with nothing. All they need to win the race is a little extra effort at that last point. This is the difference between winners and losers.

I know you have the ability to be a champion. The race will not be easy, but it can be won. You need to put in extra effort when trying to achieve your goal. Just do a little bit more. This is what will separate you from others who seek to be where you are. When you want to give up or slow down because you feel tired, try to keep on going until you reach the finishing line. You can do it because you still have strength within you.





我是我自己的阳光I Am My Sunshine

It’s all right to believe that someone brings sunshine into your life. That someone might have enough to spread around. But, if you really have to wait for someone else to be your sunshine, your good feelings, then you might wait for a long time.

Now is the time to be of good cheer, this very moment. Don’t wait for anyone else to determine your mood. You have completely control4 of your own disposition5. You have the choice. There is no other way.

Your present moment of good cheer will carry you to the next, and you will be in control of that moment also. You are worth6 having good. Go for it!





追随你的梦想 follow your dream

Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart. Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, remember that your destiny is hiding behind them. Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices you’ve made, have faith in your judgment, catch the star that twinkles in your heart, and it will lead you to your destiny’s duanwenw.com path. Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you. Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to your dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don’t let them discourage you. Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination.

追随能够改变你命运的那颗星,那颗永远在你心中闪烁的明星。当它在你面前闪耀时,抓住这宝贵的机会。请谨记,只要你坚持不懈,最终的目标总能实现。 尽管实现梦想的途中有时会遇到障碍,要知道这是命运对你的挑战。不是每个人都会赞成你的选择,接受这个现实,并相信自我的判断,追随那颗在你心中闪烁的明星,它会引领你踏上命运的征途。坚持不懈,你就能享受那些幸福时刻。 每前进一步,你都应引以为豪,因为它们是你实现梦想的阶梯。要知道在这个过程中你也许会犯错误,但不要气馁。珍视自我的潜能,因为它们使你独一无二。生命中最珍贵的礼物不是花钱买来的,而是通过努力和决心而获取的。
