
发布时间:2017-05-16 11:57




《英语》七年级下册共8个单元,全书采取任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。教材以A Trip to the Silk Road 为第一个主题,阐述了Jenny, Danny, 李明和他们的同学一起沿丝绸之路且游且学,了解了很多中国的历史和文化。除此之外,还涉猎到School Life, After School Activities, Seasons, Sports and Good Health 和Summer Holiday 等话题。

其中每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项和语法结构,需要掌握的基本词汇,并且设有复习题目。该教材的一个亮点就是每节课后还有self-check 部分,供学生检测本课所学语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排,并采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高了语言学习者的学习效率,体现了以学生为主体的思想。


1.Talking about distance. Using “will”and numerals.

2. Regular and irregular verbs. Simple past tense.

3.Talking about school. Using adverbs: always, often, usually, sometimes, never.

4.Talking about weekend activities and personal interests. Using ―be going to ‖.

5.Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself.

6.Talking about sensons and activities. Exclamatory sentences.

7.Talking about habbits, exercise and good health. Using ― there be ‖.

8.Talking about plans. Modal verb: can.








Lesson 1 A trip to China

I. Learning aims

Key vocabulary: trip silk road lead note chance send Key phrases: learn about(学习,了解);

learn(„) from„(向„„学习„„、从„„获得„„知识);learn to do sth.(学习做某事)

send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.(把某物寄给某人)

tell sb. sth.= tell sth. to sb.(告诉某人某事)

think about(考虑、认为)

Key structures: What does do sb. think about sth.?

Practice listening、speaking、reading and writing skills. news

II. Learning important points

We are learning about the Silk Road this month in school.


(1).learn about 学习、了解

(2).learn(„) from„(向„„学习„„、从„„获得„„知识)

(3).learn to do sth. 学习做某事

learn to swim 学习游泳 learn to ride a bike 学习骑自行车

(4).the Silk Road

2.Mum and dad, may I ask you a question?


May I„? 此句式表达有礼貌地请求对方允许,语气十分委婉,还可以表达为:Could I Can I?其肯定回答常用:Yes.可以。 Sure. Certainly.当然可以。否定回答为:I`m sorry, you can`t.抱歉,不行。I`m sorry, but„抱歉,但„„ You`d better not. 你最好别这样。

3.Who will lead the trip?


4.Here is the note from my school. 这是我们学校的信笺。


(1).make take notes 意为“做笔记”。

(2).leave sb. a note 意为“给某人留便条”。

5.I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news.



send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.意为“把某物寄给某人”

(2).tell sb. sth.= tell sth. to sb. 意为“告诉某人某事”

6.What does Mrs. Smith think about the trip?


think about意为“考虑,认为”

7.This is a good chance for you. 对你来说这是一次很好的机会。 chance用作可数名词,意为“机会、运气”。




Jim: Good morning!

Gao: Good morning! 76 Gao Hui. 77 your name, please?

Jim: Jim Green.

Gao: Jim, please 78 down.

Jim: 79 you, Miss Gao.

Gao: Welcome 80 our school!

76.________ 77.________ 78.________ 79.________ 80.________



Her 81 name is Mary. Her 82 name is Brown. 83 is 13. She 84 in Class Three, Grade One. 85 telephone number is 3261058.

( )81.A.first B.family C.last

( )82.A.first B.family C.English

( )83.A.Her B.It C.She

( )84.A.is B.am C.are

( )85.A.Her B.She C.His


A: Good morning!

B: 86

A: 87 your name, please?

B: 88 name is Amy. And you?

A: I 89 Peter. Nice to meet you.

B: 90 .

A: What’s this 91 English?

B: It’s 92 .

A: And 93 this in the picture?

B: 94 Kate. She’s English.

A: Thank you very much.

B: 95 .

( )86.A.Thanks B.Thank you C.Good morning D.I’m nice

( )87.A.What B.What’s C.Who D.Who’s

( )88.A.I B.I’m C.My D.My is

( )89.A.am B.is C.name D.name’s

( )90.A.Nice to meet you, too B.Thanks

C.Thank you D.You are very nice

( )91.A.for B.at C.in D.with

( )92.A.picture B.a picture C.the picture D.an picture

( )93.A.What B.What’s C.Who D.Who’s

( )94.A.It’s B.Its C.It D.He’s

( )95.A.Ok B.All right C.That’s all right D.Right



My name is Charlie Street. I’m not twelve. I am eleven. I’m not in Grade Eight. I am in Grade Seven. I’m in Class Two. My teacher isn’t Miss Black. My teacher is Mr Grey. My phone number is 6688469.


96.What is my last name? ________

97.How old am I? ________

98.What grade am I in? In Grade ________.

99.Who is my teacher? ________ ________.

100.What class am I in? In Class ________


Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m Li Hong. I’m an English boy. Li Hong is my Chinese name. Look, this is a picture of my family. The tall man is my father. His name is Ken Martin. This is my mother, Sandy Jordan. Who’s that little girl? She is my sister, Lucy. Can you find me in the picture? I’m the boy in blue.


( )101.This is ________ family.

A.a Chinese B.an English C.a Japanese D.an American

( )102.There are ________ people(人)in the picture.

A.one B.two C.three D.four

( )103.________ is my father.

A.Sandy B.Ken C.Mrs. Martin D.Mr. Jordan

( )104.________ is my mother.

A.Sandy B.Ken C.Mrs. Martin D.Mr. Jordan

( )105.What color am I in? I am in ________.

A.brown B.black C.blue D.red



Good morning, class! __
