go shopping英语对话_商场购物英语情景对话

发布时间:2017-06-06 14:37

口语教学是大学英语教学中的重要环节,当前,随着我国教学改革的深入发展,大学英语口语教学理念也已发生巨大变化。小编整理了go shopping英语对话,欢迎阅读!

go shopping英语对话一

A:May I be of any assistance?


B:I want to have a look at the microwave ovens.


A:You can have a broad choice here. Are you interested in a particular brand?


B:Not really. What are these toys over there?


A:Ma'am, these are complimentary with each purchase. How about that one below the toys? This is the best seller. They are of the latest model that can be found in town.


B:I don't like its color. A bit too bright. Do you have a grey one?


A:Yes, we do. What a great taste you have! But we only have one left in stock.


B:Really? How so?


A:You know a good product will always sell! Would you mind waiting for a while, we'll get it right away.




A:Here it is. It's very elegant, I think you will like it.


B:How about its quality?


A:Its durability will be a big surprise to you.


B:What about the price?


A:500 yuan. And if you buy it today, there will be a 15% discount for you.


go shopping英语对话二

A:Seriously, I don’t know why we need to get a new TV.

B:Honey I told you already. I can’t appreciate the graphics level and detail of the games on my Playstation 3 on our old TV.

C:Good afternoon folks! How can I be of service today?

B:I’m looking to upgrade to a newer, bigger television set.

C:You’ve come to the right place! What size are you looking for?

A:Just a normal sized TV for our living room.

C:I see. Well this set here is on sale. It’s a forty six inch HDTV screen and has all the works. Three HDMI connectors, USB, VGA and S-Video ports. It even has a DVI port so you can hook up your PC or laptop! This is without a doubt the complete home theater experience!

B:This is exactly what I need! Can you imagine watching movies or playing video games on this thing?

A:Honey, I think it’s a bit too big. I don’t even think it will fit in our living room.

C:Not to worry, we will deliver and install it in your home. It comes with a wall mount so you can just hang it on the wall like a picture!

B:This is great! How much will this set me back?

C:Lucky for you, this is the last one we have in stock so it’s half off!

B:I’ll take it!

go shopping英语对话三

A:So can you fix it?

B:I’m sorry sir. This computer is not broken or damaged. It’s simply just too old! That’s why your programs and applications are running slow. There really isn’t much I can do.

A:What do you mean? I bought this computer just three years ago!

B:Yes, but technology is ever changing and technology is becoming obsolete faster and faster!

A:OK, I know where this is going. How much will it cost me to get a new computer?

B:Well, this desktop over here is our latest model. It has a four gigahertz processor with sixteen gigabytes in RAM and a hard disk with one terabyte. Of course, it includes a mouse, keyboard and desk speakers.

A:I have no idea what you are talking about. I just want to know if it’s good and if I will be able to play solitaire without the computer crashing or freezing all the time!

B:This PC is top of the line and I guarantee it will never freeze! If it does, we’ll give you your money back!

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