
发布时间:2017-06-19 12:40


学前儿童英语故事带翻译:castles in the air


A rich man asked an architect to build a three-story house for him.


When the first story was finished, the rich man said to the architect: "I want only the third story; not the first and second stories."


The architect asked, "But without the first and second stories, how can I build the third story?"


Shaking his head, he packed up his things, and left.


This idiom indicates an unrealistic or impractical plan or theory.



A wolf and a jackal often went hunting together.


Once they came to a sheepfold, the walls of which were too high for them to get over.


Then the wolf stood on the back of the jackal. In this way the wolf climbed over the wall to where the sheep were.


This idiom is used to describe doing evil things in collusion with others.


学前儿童英语故事带翻译:go too far得寸进尺

During the late Zhanguo period, there were seven kingdoms on the mainland of China. Among the seven kingdoms, the Qin kingdom was the most powerful one. The ruler of Qin wanted to conquer the other kingdoms to be the ruler of all.战国末期,七雄争霸。其中秦国最强大,并图谋统一天下。

The Emperor of Qin intended to attack the Qi kingdom by going through the kingdoms of Han and Wei.秦昭王准备越过韩、魏两国打齐国。

But his subordinate Fan Ju said: "The Qi kingdom is still powerful now and far away from our kingdom.但策士范雎说:“现在齐国势力还算是强大,但离秦国很远。

Even if we win the battle, we must guard the land of Qi by passing through the kingdoms of Han and Wei.即使打胜了,也必须越过韩、魏两国才能到达,很难守住。

What if we slowly expand

the amount of land we control from here? So we can firmly control every inch of land we conquer. And in the end we will be the ruler."所以不如慢慢向外拓展,这样所得的每一寸一尺土地,都 将稳稳当当地为秦国所拥有,这样就能逐渐统一天下了。”

The Emperor adopted his suggestion, and won many battles.秦昭王便采用了这个策略,果然在许多战役中取得胜利。
