
发布时间:2017-04-05 09:55




pain count cheers rose toy point

/kaunt/ /pein/ |/r[Uz/| | pCint | /tFi[z/ / tCi/


⑴stronger ⑵excited ⑶pear ⑷heavier

⑸grapes ⑹spring ⑺bored ⑻fall

⑼ate ⑽yellow ⑾sang ⑿blue

A. tired _________ _________ B. taller __________ __________

C. winter _________ _________ D. learned _________ _________

E. red _________ _________ F.banana


1、take(过去式)____________ 2、do(过去式)_________

3、smaller(反义词)__________ 4、sad(反义词)___________

5、taller(反义词)______________ 6、 thin(比较级)________

7、tomato(复数形式)___________ 8、发烧______________

9、看书______________ 10、乘火车______________


1、A:_________ _________ are you ?

B:I'm 160 cm tall.

A:I'm 164 cm. You're 4 cm _________ than me.

2、How are you, Chen Jie ?

You look so _________.(高兴)

3、What did you do last weekend ?

I _________ _________.(踢足球)

4、What did you do yesterday ?

I _________ _________(洗衣服) and _________ the _________.(打扫房间)

5、A:Did you play basketball yesterday ?

B:_________, _________ _________. I _____ _____ _______.(看书)

6、What's the matter ?

I (牙疼) .

7、There are many books in my bag.

My bag is __________ than yours.(更重)

8 、What did you do yesterday?

I and . (划船和看大象)


What Where Who Which How

1、_________ is your English teacher ?

2、_________ season do you like best ?

3、_________ did you do last weeked?

4、_________ are you going this summer holiday ?

5、_________ did you get there ?


( )1、My ruler is ________ than yours.

A. long B. longer C. taller

( )2、_________ is your brother ?

He is 26 kg. He's very thin.

A. How old B. How heavy C. How tall

( )3、Zhang Peng looks very sad. Because he _______ yesterday.

A. failed the English test. B. went to the zoo.

C. played ping-pong with his friends.

( )4、_______ your brother ________ TV last weekend?

A. Did……watched B. Does……watch C. Did……watch

( )5、Zhao Benshan is a famous(著名的)________

A. writer B. actress C. actor

( )6、What's your favourite food?

A. Apples. B. Noodles. C. Yellow.

( )7、Where did you go _________ your holiday ?

A、in B、at C、on

( )8、Did you go hiking _________ your friends?

A、and B、with C、to

( )9、What can you do? I can _________ songs.

A、sing B、singing C、sang

( )10、想知道“今天是星期几”应该说:

A、What's the weather like today?

B、What's the date ?

C、What day is it today?


Amy is my good friend. She is from America. She's pretty, She has big eyes. She likes pandas very much. She likes drawing pictures. She is going to be an artist in the future.

Amy lives in Beijing. She went to Sichuan by train last holiday. She rowed a boat and saw elephants. She had a good time.

1、Amy is from America. ( )

2、She has small eyes. ( )

3、She likes drawing pictures very much. ( )

4、She went to Sichuan by plane. ( )

5、She rowed a boat and saw pandas. ( )
