
发布时间:2016-11-10 11:27


I look around me and the room has changedimperceptibly and overtly.There are elephants on thinlegs lining the walls, the people around me havebecome giant insects,my watch melts and slowly dripsfrom my wrist.A Dalinian dream? A Kafkaesquenightmare?The breeze of surrealism blows through myhair; an existential whirlwind captures my imagination.

In the images of these two great creators,I see reflections of beautiful and insatiable imaginations,completely undisciplined, unbounded;yet full of the magic and power of the artists’ visions.Theseimages are not as true as photographs, but they are a hundred times more honest.I, too, often findmyself misrepresenting the world.In the midst of a truly dreary lecture I sometimes force wakefulnessupon myself by images of what I am learning,and instead of seeing my teacher carrying on about themilitary campaigns of the Civil War,I see muskets blazing against raised flags.


More often, I see my life as an adventure; romanticized, idealized, exhilarating.Instead of seeing aboring test of memory, I see a test of will; instead of a debate,I see a battle of wits; instead of seeingthe photographic image of life,I see the existential and intoxicating war of man against Fate itself.Inthese images I am sometimes challenged by faceless opponents,sometimes I am climbing amountain. Perhaps I am fighting a bull or jumping on rooftops.

At times I question the benefits of reinventing the world to suit my fancy.It is true, of course, thateveryone does this.Even the strictest of thinkers cannot avoid letting their own vision of the worldshow through in their works.Dali and Kafka are not exceptions, they are extremes. Why are we all soeager to get away from reality?I find that I, like many others, often don’t seem to fuly belong. But ofcourse I do belong,this is my world as much as anyone else’s.I try to solve this contradictionbetween the perceived andthe real by altering the world ever so slightly a horse drawn carriageinstead of a car, a prize winning essay rather than another homework assignment so that it finds itsplace around me.

A simple solution indeed.We do not change ourselves to fit the world, but change the world to fitwithin us.A simple act of wish fulfillment, and all is done.And, of course, to melt a watch with themind is far better than to enslave the intellect within the watch like a genie in a bottle.Freedom tothink requires only so little,and to adjust the world to one’s thought is ever more noble thanadjusting thought to the world.






这真是个简单的解决办法。我们并不是改变自己来适应这个世界,相反,我们改变世界,以让它适应我们。就靠简单的心愿之旅,一切都可以做到。当然,用意识熔化手表远比被手表束 缚住才智好得多,后者就像精灵被瓶子困住手脚一样。思想的自由并不要求太多;调整世界,使之适合我们的思想,要比调整 自己的思想使之适合世界高贵得多。
