
发布时间:2017-03-17 08:40


Hey, working dads. Do you want greater jobsatisfaction, a happier household, less bickeringwith your wife, and praise from your co-workers?Seem too good to be true? Well, a couple of newstudies show that you actually can have your cakeand eat it, too – you just have to spend more timewith the kiddos.

A recent study of approximately 1,000 working fathers conducted by researchers fromNortheastern University, the University of Massachusetts, and Boston College found that themore time that working fathers spend with their children, the happier they were.



"More involved fathers experience greater job satisfaction and work-family enrichment, andless work-family conflict; and they are less likely to think about quitting their jobs," theresearchers wrote. (Read about one male CEO who actually quit his job to spend more time withhis wife and kids, here.)


However Forbes reports a different reality for working mothers: "The more time they devote totheir children, the more conflicted they feel about the time they spend at work."


"Men get high-fives when they leave early [from work to pick up their kids] — people say, 'Oh,he's such a good dad.' With mothers, that's expected, or even looked down upon — co-workers may think, 'She's leaving early again to pick up her kids,'" says Jamie Ladge, one of thestudy's head authors from Northeastern University, in an interview with The Boston Globe.




The reality is that the stigma that exists for both genders (but especially working mothers)runs so deeply in the veins of society and corporate America that it often goes unnoticed, orworse, overlooked. Fathers typically take on the role of the household's breadwinner and theydive headfirst into their careers to provide for their families, because their wives are usually theones having to rush home to tend to the kids and household responsibilities.


The dilemma now is that working fathers get less and less time with their families becausethey're locked into their careers, while working mothers are left feeling short-changed becausethey are sacrificing their careers to accommodate the needs of the family – but, in the samebreath, these women would most likely feel tremendously guilty for choosing work over theirfamilies. The ideal, then, would be for families to be able to split both childcare andprofessional commitments.


Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg touched on this very issue in Lean In: "When woman workoutside the home and share breadwinning duties, couples are more likely to stay together. Infact, the risk of divorce reduces by about half when a wife earns half the income and a husbanddoes half the housework."


Ultimately, the end goal is for every working professional to attain a satisfying level of work-life balance and meaning, regardless of whether they're male, female, parent, or not.

