
发布时间:2016-12-02 14:58

中华人民共和国国旗是五星红旗,旗面为红色,左上方缀黄色五角星五颗,四颗小星环拱在一颗大星的右面,并各有一个角尖正对大星的中心点。那么你知道五星红旗用英语怎么说吗? 接下来跟着小编来学习一下吧。


the Five-Starred Red Flag


Five star red flag


升起五星红旗 raise the Five-Starred Red Flag

鲜艳的五星红旗 Bright five-star red flag

五星红旗代表了中国 Five-star red flag represent China



1. The flag of China was raised on the summit of Mount Qomolangma.


2. The five starred red flag is streaming in the wind.


3. Re - look five - star flag , flying in clear sky thousands of miles.

再望 五星红旗, 她在万里晴空飘扬.

4. After leaving the cabin Zhai Zhigang wielded the bright Five - Starred Red Flag .

出舱后的翟志刚挥动鲜艳的 五星红旗.

5. Five - star red flag fluttering in the wind, how loud the victory song.

五星红旗 迎风飘扬, 胜利歌声多么响亮.

6. The Five - Starred Red Flag, I am you am proud.

五星红旗, 我为你自豪.

7. The sky is blue. I love five - star reg flags . I love China.

天空是蓝的, 我爱 五星红旗, 我爱中国.

8. Standing under the Five - Starred Red Flag , dear students, you think what?

站在 五星红旗 下, 亲爱的同学, 你们想到了什么?

9. And a fresh Chinese national flag that has been following him.


10. Who will keep five - star flag flying high against the blue sky?


11. Our Starred Red Flag is riffling in the breeze.


12. Wang junxia is taking her lap, holding the Five - Star Red Flag .

王军霞手里拿着 五星红旗 在绕跑道跑.

13. The Five - Starred Red Flag, you are my pride.

五星红旗, 你是我的骄傲.

14. Patrol boat's five - star red flag flaunting in night.

巡逻艇上的 五星红旗 在夜色中飘扬.

15. Oour flag is the Five - Starred Red Flag .

我们的国旗是 五星红旗.
