
发布时间:2017-05-15 12:14




Lesson 8: What do you know?

一、 Teaching content

1. Review the words and expression in this unit

2. Grammar: the verbs am and is

3 Exercise in the lesson

二、 Teaching goals

1. Master the drills in this unit

2. Master the letters A—N

三、 Key points: Expressions and grammar

四、 Difficult point: Grammar

五、 Preparation

1. Bring the letter cards

2. Bring real things to review the words

3. Prepare some pictures to review the drills

六、 Teaching aids: Letter cards and some pictures

七、 Type of the lesson: Review

八、 Teaching procedure

Step 1. Review the letters and sing the ABC song.

Step 2. Listen to the song “Ten little Indians” and review the numbers 1—10.

Step 3. Review the greeting “How are you?” and sing the song about it.

Step 4. Use real things and cards to review the expressions in this unit. e.g.

A: What’s this?

B: It’s a ____.

C: How many ____ do you have?

D: I have ____.

E: Where is the ____?

Step 5. Combine the dialogues in this unit and encourage the Ss to practice:


Hi! My name is ____. What’s your name?

My name is____.

Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you too.

How are you?

Fine, thank you. How are you?

I’m fine, thanks.

Where is ____?


May I have/borrow _____?

Sure. Here you are.


You’re welcome.

Or play the chain game to practice them. Then finish N4 of this lesson..

Step 6. Grammar. The verb “be”

1. Introduction.

Let the Ss tell you some sentences that include “is” and “are”. Encourage them to sum up the usage of the two words. Then sum up.

2. Practice. Complete the conversation in L8 N2. to practice using them.

If time is enough, have a short test.

Step 7. Homework. Tell the Ss to review all the text in this unit. try to use the expressions about greetings, introductions, giving thanks and saying Good-bye in their daily life.

Lesson 9 Red,Yellow,Blue

[教学目标] 1 继续学习字母。Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt

2 学习颜色:red, yellow, blue

3 掌握单词:red, yellow, blue, paper, colour, yes.

4 掌握句型:What colour is it? It’s red.

[教学难点] 字母的读音和他们在单词中的读音。

[教学重点] 学习表达物品的颜色。熟练掌握:What colour is it? It’s „

Do you like„? Yes, I do.

[教具] 多媒体计算机


Step I Lead-in

Look at the picture. How do you feel when you see it? It’s colourful, right? It has red, yellow and blue. That’s what we are going to learn today. We’ll learn colors.

Step II Presentation

Task 1 Review some letters.

The teachers ask the students review the letters from Aa---Nn. Showing the students some cards which have some letters on it. First the single letter, like Bb, Dd, Jj, Kk ect. Then Showing some cards with several letters, like BBC, CAAC, AD,BC, a.m. ect. Ask the students to find more letterslike that.

Task 2 Let’s learn new letters.

Introduce a new letter “Oo”. Say What does it look like? It looks like an orange. The teacher shows the picture of an orange. The students observe the word and can find the letter “O” in it. O pronounce [ο]. For example, on, of, hot.

Teach Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss,Tt in the same way.

Pp [p] paper, pen, pencil

Qq qu[kw] queen, quite, quick

Rr [r] rose, red, read

Ss [s] school, six, sit

Tt [t ] tea, ten, teacher

Step III Learn how to write the letters.

The teacher shows how to write the letters on the blackboard.

Step IV Play a game “Bingo”

The students choose nine letters from Aa---Tt and put them in the blanks. Cross the letters when

Step V Presentation

Task 3 Find the colours.

Showing three colours and teach red, yellow, blue. Ask the students to find out what kind of items are in those colours.

Step VI Pair work.

Task 4 Practice the pattern drill:

A: What color is it?

B: It’s red/ yellow/ blue.

A: Do you like red?

B: Yes, I do.

Step VII A guessing game. What colour is it?

Step VIII Listen and read.

Books open. Lesson 9, part 2. Listen to the tape recorder and repeat. Then ask the students talk in pairs.

Step IX Homework.

1. Write the letters.

2. Practice the dialogue.






















