
发布时间:2017-01-12 09:33



英文版儿童小故事3篇之1:Malibu to License Paparazzi

To protect celebrities from the photographers who hound them, the mayor of Malibu has made a decision. “All professional photographers who want to take photos of celebrities in Malibu must be licensed. The license will cost $2,000 a year,” said Mayor Eddie Arnold. “I know that sounds like a lot, but these people can make a lot of money off one photo.”

In fact, a recent photo of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s new baby sold for $4 million. They had contracted with a magazine for the photo, and then donated the money to a charity for children. A couple of years before that, a photo of Brad and Angelina walking along an African beach sold for $400,000. So celebrity photos, contracted or candid, can make a photographer wealthy. But the stalking that goes on can make a celebrity crazy; recently, an actor punched out a photographer.

Stalking can be dangerous to the public, too. Recently, paparazzi in nine different cars chased after Britney Spears as she left a friend's house to go to a nearby restaurant. The driver of one car, intent on beating his competitors, struck a man in a crosswalk. The man was taken to the hospital with two broken legs. Nobody took his photo.

That accident prompted the mayor’s decision. The very cost of the license, he said, would reduce the number of photographers who hang around in Malibu. “Good riddance,” said one restaurant owner. “Some of them hang around my restaurant every Saturday. They never buy lunch or dinner. They just use my rest room all day long.”

The paparazzi, of course, were angry. “We’re just little people trying to make a buck,” said Ansel Adams. “Most of us never have big paydays. Malibu should collect the $2,000 only if we actually sell a photo.”

英文版儿童小故事3篇之2:The Heart Attack

His computer was on. Maybe he should email someone. What would the email say—“I think I’m dying of a heart attack”? Wait a minute, he thought. He was about to die, and he was going to email someone who might not open his email for days?! He turned off the computer. Should he leave the dining table lamp on, or turn it off? He didn’t know whether to sit in the chair at the dining table, or go lie down in bed. Should he be sitting down or lying down when he died? Did it matter? He decided to sit in the chair and wait for his death.

He used to teach CPR, and he knew he had the symptoms of a heart attack. Victims usually describe a feeling of fullness. Students always used to ask what the “fullness” felt like, but he couldn't tell them. Now he knew exactly what it felt like.

So, this is how it’s going to happen, he thought, as he sat in the chair looking at the TV, waiting to die. He didn’t particularly like the thought of dying at this time, but he accepted it. He was 60 years old. You live, you die. Would he just quietly become unconscious? Or would his heart “explode,” causing him to yell out in pain?

And then the fullness in his chest simply disappeared. The numbness in his hand went away, too. He waited, just to be sure. He was okay! From start to finish, perhaps three minutes had passed. Thank You, he said quietly.

Tomorrow he should see a doctor and a lawyer, he thought. And next time, he shouldn’t worry about the cost of an ambulance ride or a hospital stay. He couldn’t believe that when he thought his very life was on the line, he had cheaped out.

英文版儿童小故事3篇之3:The Careful Crocodile

In the Days of the Dinosaurs

Long, long ago, in the days of the dinosaurs, a mother crocodile laid 40 eggs. She laid the eggs in a sandy nest by some ferns.

The sun kept the eggs warm. Week after week, the mother crocodile stayed under the ferns to watch over her nest. She did not go down to the lake to eat and drink. She had to take care of her eggs.

One day, a hungry dinosaur found the nest, The mother crocodile ran out of the nest ferns as fast as she could.

Snap! Went her jaws. And that was the end of the egg-eating dinosaur!

The next day, some little cries came from the nest, The mother crocodile went to the nest and pushed the sand away, Yes! Baby crocodiles were coming out of the eggs.

Then the mother crocodile opened her jaws and filled them with baby crocodiles.

What was she doing? The mother crocodile was not eating her babies, she was picking them up. She wanted to take her babies down to the lake where they would find some food.

When the mother crocodile got to the lake, she opened her jaws and all the baby crocodiles swam out. They saw some mayflies 蜉蝣类,飞蝼蛄on the water. Snap! Went their little jaws. Then the mother crocodile hurried back to her nest. She picked up the rest of babies and took them down to the lake, too.

The baby crocodiles grew bigger every day, Sometimes they climbed out of the water to catch frogs and spiders in the ferns. And every day, the mother crocodile stayed near her babies and tried to keep them safe.
