
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:59

名词解释:汉字,是用于书写汉语普通话及方言的文字[1] ,也可被借用于书写日语、朝鲜语/韩语等语言。是中国的唯一官方文字,也是新加坡的官方文字之一,目前确切历史可以追溯到商朝的的甲骨文。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

A televised contest that has become hugely popular in China has led to nationwide hand-wringing over the population's increasing inability to write Chinese characters.

The rapid rise of computers and smartphones has left most young people barely able to write by hand, with many unable to recall the estimated 10,000 characters used in daily life without an electronic prompt.

The state broadcaster CCTV launched the Chinese Character Dictation Competition this month to improve the population's handwriting amid fears that the country's complex writing system, a highly prized treasure of its ancient culture, is entering an inexorable decline.






文中的###Chinese characters就是“汉字”的意思。character专门指如汉字等的“方块字”或“字符”。我们来复习一下其他几个跟“字”相关的单词。word通常是指单词,如一篇作文要写200个词,即200 words;alphabet不能用来指单个字,它是指某种语言的字母表,如英语字母表,即English alphabet,而英语的alphabet中有26个字母,即26 letters——letter就是字母的意思。

此外,还有wording或diction,意思是“措辞”,font是指“字型、字体”,而calligraphy意思是“书法”。称赞某人写得一手好字,可以说他writes a good hand或has good handwriting;handwriting义为“书法、书写”,是不可数名词。
