
发布时间:2017-02-23 17:40




Work and Pleasure

To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and theymust all be real. It is no use starting late in life to say: “I will take an interest in this or that.”Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. A man may acquire greatknowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief.It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. Broadly speaking, humanbeing may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worriedto death, and those who are bored to death. It is no use offering the manual laborer, tiredout with a hard week’s sweat and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseballon Saturday afternoon. It is no use inviting the politician or the professional or businessman, who has been working or worrying about serious things for six days, to work or worryabout trifling things at the weekend.

It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into twoclasses: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly, thosewhose work and pleasure are one. Of these the former are the majority. They have theircompensations. The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, notonly the means of sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and mostmodest forms. But Fortune’s favored children belong to the second class.Their life is a naturalharmony. For them the working hours are never long enough. Each day is a holiday,andordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbingvacation. Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, ofa diversion of effort, isessential. Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasureare those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.





The intimacy between man and Nature began with the birth of man on the earth, and becomes each century more intelligent and far-reaching. To Nature, therefore, we turn as to the oldest aim most influential teacher of our race; from one point of view once our task-master, now our servant; from another point of view, our constant friend, instructor and inspirer. The very intimacy of this relation robs it of a certain mystery and richness which it would have for all minds if it were the reward of the few instead of being the privilege of the many. To the few it is, in every age, full of wonder and beauty; to the many it is a matterof course.

The heavens shine for all, but they have a changing splendor to those only who see in every midnight sky amajesty of creative energy and resource which no repetition of the spectacle can dim. If the stars shone but once in a thousand years, men would gaze, awe struck and worshipful, on a vision which is not less but more wonderful because it shines nightly above the whole earth. In like manner, and for the same reason, we become indifferent to that delicately beautiful or sublimely impressive sky scenery which the clouds form and reform, compose and dissipate, a thousand times on a summer day. The mystery, the terror, and the music of the sea; the secret and subduing charm of the woods, so full of healing for the spent mind or the restless spirit; the majesty of the hills, holding in their recesses the secrets of light and atmosphere; the infinite variety of landscape, never imitative or repetitious, but always appealing to the imagination with some fresh and unsuspected loveliness; who feels the full power of these marvelous resources for the enrichment of life, or takes from them all the health, delight, and enrichment they have to bestow?




“Who moved my cheese?”is a story about change that takes place in a Maze where four amusing characters look for “Cheese”.cheese being a metaphor for what we want to have in life, whether it is a job, a relationship, money,a big house, freedom, health, recognition, spiritual peace, or even an activity like joggingor golf.Each of us has our own idea of what Cheese is, and we pursue it because we believe it can makes ushappy.If we get it, we often become attached to it. And if we lose it, or it’s taken away, it can be traumatic.The “Maze” in the story represents where you spend time looking for what you want.It can be the organization you work in, the community you live in, or the relationships you have in your life.In the storyyou will see that the two mice do better when they are faced with change because they keep things simple,while the two little people’s complex brains and human emotions complicate things.It is not that mice are smarter. We all know people are more intelligent than mice.However, as you watch what the four characters do,and realize both the mice and the little people represent parts of ourselves,the simple and the complex,you can see it would be to our advantage to do the simple things that work when things change.

The Story of WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?(Extracted)

Having cheese makes you happy.The more important your cheese is to you, the more you want to hold on to it.If you do not change you can become extinct.What would you do if you weren’t afraid?Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old.Movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese.When you move beyond your fear, you feel free.Imagining myself enjoying new cheese, even before I find it, leads me to find it.The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.It is safer to search in the Maze than remain in a cheeseless situation.Old beliefs do not lead you to new cheese.When you see that you can find and enjoy new cheese you can change course.Noticing small changes early helps you to adapt to thebigger changes that are to come.


Change Happens - They keep moving the cheese.Anticipate Change - Get ready for the cheese to move.Monitor Change - Smell the cheese so you know when itis getting old.Adapt To Change Quickly - The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy new cheese.Change - Move with thecheese.EnjoyChange - Savor theadventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese.Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again.They keep movingthe cheese.Move With The Cheese And Enjoy It!





