
发布时间:2017-06-02 11:43



1. What do you want to be when you grow up?当你长大的时候想当什么?(状语从句)

2. I want to be computer programmer/ bus driver/ basketball player/ engineer/ cook/ teacher/ pilot/ scientist/ doctor/ violinist/ pianist /actor /actress/ singer/ race car driver/ reporter我想当……(职业名称)

3. My parents want me to be a doctor, but I’m not sure about that.我的双亲想要我当医生,但我还不确定。

4. How are you going to do that? 你打算怎样做呢?(表打算)

5. I’m going to practice basketball every day.我打算每天练习篮球。(表打算)

6. Where/ When are you going to study?你打算在哪儿/什么时候去学习?(表打算)

7. I know why you’re so good at writing stories.我知道你为什么如此擅长于写故事。(宾语从句)

8. I’ m going to keep on writing stories.我打算坚持写故事。

9. Not everyone knows what they want to be.不是每个人都知道他们想当什么?(部分否定,宾语从句)

10. Just make sure you try your best. 只要确信你尽了最大努力。

11. Then you can be anything you want. 那么你就可以当你想当的了。(定语从句)

12. For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions! 由于这个原因,最好的决心就是没有决心。

13. My New Year’s resolution is to get good grades.我的新年决心是取得好成绩。(动词不定式作表语)


1. do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places做那些在又脏又危险的地方的工作

2. do simple jobs over and over again反反复复做证简单的工作

3. help to do something帮助做……

4. get bored变得厌倦

5. make robots look more like humans使机器人看起来象人类

6. disagree with somebody不同意某人的意见

7. agree with somebody同意某人的意见

8. If buildings fall down with people inside…要是楼房倒塌,把人压在里面……

9. look for …寻找……

10. at some point, …在一定的时候,……

11. do the same things as we can 做我们能做的事情

12. keep a bird养鸟

13. look less smart看起来没有那么漂亮

14. take a holiday度假

15. the meanings of words单词的意思

16. fresh water淡水

17. clean air清新的空气

18. clean the kitchen打扫厨房

19. fly up in to the sky飞上天空

20. in the world在世界上


1. live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁

2. live on the earth居住在地球上

3. live on a space station 生活在空间站

4. live with somebody 和某人生活在一起

5. use the subway less更少使用地铁

6. very big and crowded非常大而拥挤

7. prediction about the future关于未来的预测

8. a book about future一本关于未来的书

9. in the future在未来

10. be more crowded and polluted 更拥挤,更污染

11. be in (great) danger处于(巨大的)危险中

12. have to do something不得不做……

13. fly to other planets飞到另外的星球

14. play a part in saving the earth在拯救地球中起重要作用

15. blue skies蓝色的天空

16. spend time together on weekends周末在一起度过

17. fly rockets to the moon飞火箭到月球

18. an apartment across the street from here这条街道的对面的公寓

19. watch movies about the future看关于未来的电影

20. human servants人类仆人
