如何在25分钟内提高你的工作效率 职场英语

发布时间:2017-03-14 18:34

How often have you had a work day when, as mid-afternoon races toward late-afternoon, you realize that you haven't really gotten anything done?

Painfully often, if you're like many of the professionals we talked to for a recent study on everyday work life through Harvard Business School.


Getty Images如果你和最近我们通过哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School)对日常工作进行的一项研究中采访的许多专业人士一样,那么这种情况应该是经常在你身上发生。

Not only do unproductive days like this detract from the success of your projects, your team and your organization; they can endanger your own well-being.

We discovered that nothing makes people feel happier and more engaged at work than making meaningful progress on something they care about. We call that the progress principle. But this progress principle has a serious downside: Nothing makes people feel worse than being stalled in their work and this negative effect is much stronger.



如何在25分钟内提高你的工作效率 职场英语

Most often, the cause of an unproductive day is fragmentation trying to juggle many competing, and usually unexpected, demands on your time. It's what happens when you've worked like crazy all day, and still you have the sense that you haven't been productive. Sound familiar?

Work-life management experts Tony Schwartz, David Allen, and others have useful techniques for setting up routines to get more done. But how can you save a day where you simply haven't been able to get to the work that matters most?


工作时间管理专家托尼 施瓦茨(Tony Schwartz)、戴维 艾伦(David Allen)和其他人有一些有用的技巧,能帮你建立事半功倍的工作习惯。那么如果你实在来不及完成最重要的工作,如何才能补救呢?

1. Carve out a time-oasis. (20 minutes) If possible, move something off your schedule for the remainder of the day, protecting just 20 minutes to focus uninterrupted on that meaningful project. More time is better if you can manage it, but 20 minutes can still make a difference.

1、 划出时间空档。(20分钟)如果可能的话,从日程表中划去当天剩下的某项工作,以保证自己有20分钟不被打扰,以专心投入那项有意义的工作。如果你能办得到,那么留出更多时间更好,但20分钟已足以令工作效率有所改观。

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