
发布时间:2017-06-15 10:11



It is well-known that water is indispensable in existing, in producing and in living. And we should not waste of a drop of water.


First, water is definitely important for life. As is known to us all, water is necessary to support life. Without water, human beings, animals and plants cannot exist at all.


Second, water is also significant for producing. For one thing, industrial production needs a lot of water, such as using water to generate electricity. For another, agricultural production is also in need of water, especially in irrigation.


Finally, water is indispensable in life. In our daily life, we are not able to finish many things without water, such as cooking and washing.


To sum up, water is absolutely significant for our living, for producing and for living. Therefore, we need to make full use of each drop of water and form a habit of saving water.



With the improvement of living level, the goods' package have become more and more complicated and exaggerated. Thus, the phenomenon of the excessive packaging is common around us. Such as Mid-autumn moon cakes. But what factors contribute to this phenomenon?


Firstly, as we all know, a large number of markets and stores think that goods which are well-decorated could attract consumers and inspire consumers to purchase goods. So they can earn more money. Secondly, consumers hold the idea that the more elegant the goods look, the better quality of the commodity is. What's more, the government didn't make relevant rules to prevent this phenomenon.


Personally speaking, excessive packaging has a bad influence on our environment, which also wastes precious resources. So we should increase our awareness of consuming and save rare resources. At the same time, some useful measures should be taken by the government. It's high time we took action to prevent this situation. Only in this way can we put an end to this trend.



Many people believe that a large income equal success.I believe,however,success is more than how much money you make.Measures of success also include fame,respect,and knowledge.

许多人认为有大量的收入等于成功。 然而,我相信,成功不仅仅是指你有多少钱。 成功还包括名誉、尊重和知识。

Becoming famous is one way to show one is success.So many scientists and researchers have made great contribution to our nation and they don’t possess too much wealth.But they are awarded with fame and great honors and thus become nationwide well-known.No one could say they are not successful.I also believe that being respected by coworkers indicates success.Without that respect,money mean little.We just call people with big money and no respect “they are rich” and nothing more,while for those surrounded by respect,we’d like to say “This guy is really marvelous.He made it in his life.”

成名是显示成功的一种方式。许多科学家和研究人员为我们的国家作出了重大的贡献,虽然他们没有太多的财富,但是他们获得名望和伟大的荣誉,成为全国闻名的人物。 没有人能说他们不是成功的。 我也相信要尊敬同事意味成功。 没有尊重,金钱是小。 我们就叫人有资金仅仅说“他们是富人”而已,而对于那些被尊重包围的人说, “这家伙真的是了不起的,他的生活是成功的。”

In conclusion,we don’t memorize people simply because they were rich.Overall,we remember people who were influential in politics,or contributed to science or art or religion.If history is the ultimate judge of success,then money surely isn’t everything.

总之,我们不要仅仅因为别人有钱才记住他。 总的来说,我们记住人在政治上有影响力的人,或者记住那些对科学或艺术或宗教有贡献的人。如果历史是成功的最终的裁判,那么钱当然不是万能的。


As Chinese traditional virtue, helping others and taking care of each other are the basic virtue of a person. We are lucky that we are born to be a healthy person, while some persons are not that lucky, they may be born to be a disable man or get hurt by accidents. Out of the basic virtue, it is not right to laugh at them, we need to help each other, showing our love to them. December 3rd, 2013 is World Disabled Day, the day reminds people of the care about disable men. The disable often ignored by us, since they are special group, we should take care of them, give them our hands. We can do something for them, like helping them when cross the road. We can help them from small things, helping each other makes the world more beautiful.



Nowadays, it is generally acknowledged that the automobiles make our life convenient.Some argue that they play an essential role in our modern life and we can not live well without automobiles.People drive their cars to go to work which saves more time and energy.


But some other people believe that a great many of problems can be brought by the automobiles. First of all, much tail gas released by cars harm pollutes the fresh air gravely. Secondly, too many cars result the roads in blocked. Finally, fast driving makes people crazy, which can account for so many traffic accidents.


As far as I concerned, it is no doubt that vehicles contribute to our economic development exceedingly. But if we overuse it, many undesirable consequences can be surely caused, which contains highway accidents, air pollution and so on. So at this moment, we must take measures to avoid these happen.



Confidence is essential for everyone. Only establishing confidence can we accomplish our goal. Nevertheless, many people especially teenagers are lack of confidence. What a serious problem! How to develop confidence?


First of all, we should aware of our own advantages. Though nobody is perfect, we can be proud of own advantages. In this way, we can adapt the pressure of contemporary society.Secondly, we are supposed to give ourselves a smile face. It's necessary to remember that not tire of life and look down on ourselves. Facing a mirror to smile, maybe we will feel confident. Finally, we shouldn't be afraid of failure and challenges. On the contrary, we should raise our courage to overcome these problems.


In a word, as a saying says,” Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. "Confidence for us is an indispensable part of our life.

