
发布时间:2017-03-13 13:12




A _______ C_______ ________ F ______ H ______ J

_______ L _______ ________ ________ P ______ R

_____ T ______ V ______ ______ _______Z

________ _________ c _______ e ________ ________

h ______ j _______ l m _______ o _________ ________

r ________ t ________ v ________ x ________ _________


( )1、monkey A大象

( )2、tiger B狮子

( )3、panda C猴子

( )4、elephant D老虎

( )5、lion E熊猫

( )6、colour F胖的

( )7、they G矮的

( )8、big H颜色

( )9、short I 他们

( )10、fat J 大的


( )1.老师问萨姆:“F的下一个字母是什么”?萨姆应该这样回答:____________

A. C B. G C. I

( ) 2. 大明问玲玲:“你最喜欢的歌曲是什么”? 用英语说应该是___________

A. What’s your favourite song ?

B.What’s the song ?

C. What’s your favourite colour ?

( ) 3.“我最喜欢的颜色是红色”用英语说应该是__________

A. The song is ABC song .

B. My favourite song is ABC song .

C. My favourite colour is red.

( ) 4. “这个人高。”用英语应该怎么说?

A. This man is tall.

B. That man is short.

C.This man is short.

( ) -------5.What are they ?

-------They are _____________.

A. tiger B. tigers

( ) 6. ------ What’s this ?

------- It’s a ____________.

A. pandas B. panda

( ) 7.------- What’s that ?

------- It’s ____________ elephant.

A . a B. an

( ) 8. That monkey is ____________ .

A. a thin B.thin

( ) 9.__________ is your favourite song ,Ms Smart ?

A. Where B. What

( ) 10. This is Daming . ___________ favourite colour is red .

A .Her B. His


( ) 1、They are monkeys .

( ) 2、It’s an elephant .

( ) 3、I like football .

( ) 4、This man is tall .

( ) 5、They are tigers .

( ) 6、This monkey is thin .


1、My favourite colour is yellow .


2、Here you are .


3、I love every letter.


4、That man is short .


5、This panda is small .


( )1、big A小的

( )2、small B大的

( )3、short C高的

( )4、thin D胖的

( )5、tall E矮的

( )6、fat F瘦的
