The Chinese government is aiming to boost the economy and employment by cultivating a large force of technical workers through enhanced vocational education.
Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the nation to strengthen efforts to develop vocational education, saying it is an important part of both the national educational system and developing a skilled labor force.
The emphasis on vocational education has suggested efforts to diversify young people's choices because college graduates have had a hard time landing desired jobs in recent years.

文中的vocational education就是“职业教育”的意思。vocational这个词派生自名词vocation(职业),意思就是“职业的”,又如vocational school(职业学校)、vocational training(职业培训)等。注意不要把vocation这个词跟vacation(休假)这个词混淆在一起。
文中还有一些实用的词组值得一学:technical worker(技工,技术工人)、educational system(教育体系,教育制度)、labor force(劳动力)、land a job(谋得工作)。