
发布时间:2017-04-13 11:53




A: Li Lei. Dinner is

B: OK. I 2 coming.

A: Today we are going to 3 fish and chips.

B: Mmm. It must 4 more delicious.

A: Yes, it is. Help 5 6 some fish and chips.

B: Thanks. Mum.

A: Would you like some 7 fish?

B: Yes, please. It’s 8 delicious.

A: I’m 9 you 10 it.


1. ready 2. am 3. have 4. be 5. yourself 6. to 7. more 8. really 9. glad 10. like




A:You don’t look well.___36___

B:I didn’t sleep well last night.



A:Did you see a doctor?

B:___38___ He said I would get well in a few days.

A:Have you taken any medicine?

B:Yes,I have.

A:How often do you take it?


A:Shall I help you with your lessons?


A: Hi, Maria. _____51____

B: Oh, Dan, it was a disaster.

A: It was?

B: Uh-huh.

A: What happened?

B: Well, I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.

A: Oh, so you were late.

B: Yeah, but in my country it’s different. ___52____

A: I see.

B: Then when I met Paul’s mom, I kissed her.

A: _____53____

B: That’s right. And I wore a fancy dress.

A: What’s wrong with that?

B: Well, it was a barbecue, Dan . _____54_____

A: ____55___


A: Have you ever read the novel Hometown ?

B: ___46______

A: What a pity! It’s a wonderful book, you know.

B: Well, I’ve been waiting to read it for a long time, but I can’t get a copy. The library has only three copies. __47____

A: Well, __48_____ If you like, I can lend it to you.

B: Thank you. ___49_____ By the way, when can I get it?

A: _50____ Will you please come to my house after school?

B: OK. I’ll go with you to your home after school.


A: Hello! Could I _________to the headmaster, please?

B: ______ on for a moment, please. I’m sorry he isn’t here by now. May I help you?

A: That’s very kind _________ you, but I want to speak to him _________ my son, Jim Green. I would like to _________ him as soon as _________, please.

B: Are you _________ later today, Mr. Green?

A: Sorry. I’m free every day _________ today.

B: Are you able to come here tomorrow?

A: I think so. What time?

B: _________8:30 and 9:00.

A: I think so. Yes, I think that would be fine.

B: I’ll _________ a message on his desk.

A: Thank you very much. Goodbye!

B: Goodbye!
