
发布时间:2017-03-17 15:06

下面是小编整理的2010年雅思高分作文欣赏, 欢迎大家阅读!


Some information in films, books and on the Internethas bad influence on young people and even onsociety. Some people think such information shouldbe controlled.

Give your opinions on this view.


Of late, social scientists and educators have beenshifting their focus on the issues of how somenegative information, transmitted through films,books and Internet, influence the young people andwhat should be done about it. To my mind, films,books and programs on the Internet that carry badinformation should be controlled or even banned.

Every year, hundreds of books have been printed on almost every subject and attract youngreaders to read. However, some contents in books may have profound negative informationon them, such as detailed descriptions of plotting a scheme, drug deals or even bank robbery.Such books, I think, should absolutely be banned.

On the other hand, films may also contribute to harmful impressions of the world on theyoung people. One of these is formed from viewing the violent crime-filled world shown in films.This may leave on the young viewers an impression of an unfriendly world, of an evil world.Therefore, films depicting scenes of violence should be controlled to the young.

Young people, however, seem to be more easily affected by computer games on Internet.Some studies have shown that time spent on computer games is linked with poorperformance in school. Moreover, violence in games often encourages some young people tobehave aggressively. For that, I appeal to computer programmers to design healthier,educational games.

In conclusion, bad contents or negative information in films, books and Internet should eitherbe banned or controlled for the sake of young people’s healthy growing-up.



Some people think killing animals for food is crueland unnecessary and some people think it isessential for daily diet.

To what extent do you think about these two views?


Before we examine the issue of whether killinganimals for food is cruel and unnecessary oressential for our daily diet, I think that first we needto classify the term “animals” into two categories –wild animals and domestic animals.

In terms of wild animals, they make up an essentialpart of nature. Wildlife is also important in scientific research. With that view in mind, I cannotbut think that killing animals for food is not only cruel and unnecessary, but also damagesecosystem. The use of animals for food simply deprives them of their right to survival.Moreover, we do not need to eat them for survival. Yet, the activities of human beings andhuman population growth have increased the danger for wildlife. If this continues to happen,human beings will lose much of great value that cannot be replaced.

On the other hand, the rapid growth of the world’s population and the rise in the standards ofliving have created further demands for food.

Thus, I think that it is necessary for people to rear domesticated animals and kill them as asource of food. Furthermore, livestock has other benefits, such as providing such foodproducts as butter, cheese, eggs, and milk in addition to meat and valuable by-products asfur, hair, leather, and wool.

In conclusion, we human beings have great obligations for wild animals, as they are a chain inthe ecosystem that needs to be protected, while tamed animals could serve human needs forfood.


Some people prefer to stay in the same job for thesame company; but others prefer to change jobsfrequently.

You should use specific reasons to compare theadvantages and disadvantages of both sides.


The uncritical view that is prevalent among somepeople at present is that people can no longerexpect a job for life. This conception has itsadvantages, as far as I can see, especially at a timewhen new technologies constantly turn up.Therefore, a person will have to pursue severalcareers during his life, so that he will not become technologically obsolete, with skills that areno longer needed.

Furthermore, large corporations sometimes make it a policy to move their men from one job toanother. This is the protean man, having several different lives and having a variety of workexperiences. But the disadvantages of this frequent shifting of one’s job is expending toomuch time and energy on renewing one’s knowledge and learning new skills, and the difficulty oflanding a suitable job, especially in a recession when rivalry for employment becomes severe.

In contrast to those protean men, some people will stay in the same job for the samecompany. This practice avoids the risk of losing one’s accumulated rights, especially during arecession and the risk of joining on a “last in, first out” basis when they go to a new company.But what they lose is promotion because nowadays promotion is increasingly through careermoves between companies.

To sum up, different people have different attitudes towards life and work. Some tend to leadan easy life and flexibility is out of the question, while others think otherwise and mobility istheir philosophy in life.
