let alone 用法_alone及let alone用法

发布时间:2017-06-01 10:44

let alone的意思是别说; 何况; 不理,不管[惹],不烦扰,不干涉; 更不用说,还不算;let alone 用法有哪些呢?本文是小编整理let alone 用法的资料,仅供参考。

let alone 用法

基本上let alone不用再句首,只用在句中。连接两个句子,有进一步比较之意,译为:更不用说


There isn't enough room for us, let alone six dogs and a cat.


I haven't decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food.


I never thought of it, let alone did I do it.


He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements.


The baby can't even walk, let alone run.


let alone后面跟do和doing的区别

let alone后面结构主要取决于其前面对比内容结构,即要与其前面结构保持一致!例如:1.

1.Protecting the air,let alone improving it,is a challenge.



The central government has struggled to count this debt,let alone control it.



Tourists need have no truck with maldivian culture or currency,let alone its politics.


alone及let alone用法

alone 用法小归纳

1.独自,单独:形(仅作表语)/副: I’m terrified at the prospect of being alone in the house. 我要是自己呆在一所房子里就很害怕。

I realized they wanted to be alone together so I felt very awkward. 我意识到了他们想要单独在一起,所以觉得很尴尬。

be alone in (doing) sth (固定搭配):唯一的……:

He is not alone in believing that it may lead to war. 不单他一个人认为那会引起战争。

2.不用 very 修饰,可用 very much, all 修饰:

He went there all alone. 他独自一个去了那儿。


She decided not to go there alone. 她决定不单独去那儿。

She alone decided not to go there. 只有她决定不去那儿。

4. let alone

不理,不管[惹],不烦扰,不干涉=leave alone

更不用说;何况 (不等于leave alone!) a.When joe gets mad,just let him alone.乔发怒时不要去管他。

b. He's the best shot in the world, let alone in England(介词). 他是世界上最好的射击手,更不用说在英国了。

c. We fear no death, let alone difficulties(名词). 我们死都不怕,何况困难?

d. I'm so sick g.Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three(数词). 她的收入养活1个孩子都几乎不够,更不用说3个了。


The baby can’t even yet, let alone ! 这个婴儿连坐都坐不稳,更不用说走路了。

Tom was hardly at the age of four, let alone . 汤姆4岁时几乎还不会走路,更别说


Billy can’tEnglish, let alone it 比利不会讲英语,更不用说写了。

I the menu yet, let alone bought(p.p.分词) the food. 我还没决定吃什


5. alone, lone, lonely的区别:

(1) alone (形),主要表示客观上的一个人或没有外人,一般不表示寂寞或孤独等感情色彩,在句中只用作表语。但在现代英语中,alone有时也可表示“孤独的”,表示类似lonely 的意思。如:

He felt terribly alone when his wife left. 他妻子离去后他感到很孤独。

(2) lone 表示“孤单的”“单独的”“无伴的”等,通常只用作定语。

(3) lonely有3个意思:一是表示“寂寞的”“孤寂的”,带有较强感情色彩,可用作表语或定语;二是表示“孤单的”“没有伴侣的”,不带感情色彩,此时通常只用作定语(用于此义时可与lone换用);三是表示“荒凉的”“偏僻的”,用来说明地方,此时多用作定语。

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