双语阅读:中国阅兵“角度多样 情绪复杂”

发布时间:2017-03-16 15:45

以下是小编整理的英语文章:中国阅兵“角度多样 情绪复杂”, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。



双语阅读:中国阅兵“角度多样 情绪复杂”

美联社8月23日发表了题为China rehearses for military parade with fighter jets, troops from Russia, Cuba (来自俄罗斯等国的战斗机和军队参加了中国阅兵彩排)的报道。这篇报道显示出了美联社对中国阅兵活动的一种复杂,甚至矛盾的角度。一方面,他们承认中国阅兵的合法性和正义性,但在另一方面却自以为看到了阅兵是在展示肌肉(muscle),向邻国以及在领土争端方面显示强硬立场。这种联想力确实是吸引了民众的眼球,但合理性和目的却令人质疑。


The Sept. 3 parade will showcase the People's Liberation Army's rapidly growing capabilities at a time when Beijing is asserting territorial claims in the South China Sea and East China Sea.


China says the parade is about marking the 70th anniversary of Japan's World War II surrender and demonstrating its commitment to peace. But it comes as other governments are expressing unease at Beijing's confrontational stance toward territorial disputes. That has made taking part in the event politically charged.



More than 10,000 Chinese military personnel with more than 500 vehicles and some 200 aircraft took part in the rehearsal, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.The Chinese military plans to show seven types of long-, intermediate- and short-range missiles at the parade, Xinhua said. It cited a military official as saying 84 percent of armaments to be displayed have not been shown in public previously.

双语阅读:中国阅兵“角度多样 情绪复杂”

英国的《卫报》在阅兵彩排前的8月21日发表题为'Old-school tub-thumping': 12,000 Chinese troops prepare for WW2 parade(12000名中国军人为抗战大阅兵做准备)的报道文章。文章认为,本次阅兵的目标并非是邻国或针对领土争端,而是国内民众,以增强他们民族认同感(Chinese national identity)。


1、It is an attempt to pile political pressure on regional rival Japan – with whom Beijing is embroiled in a festering territorial dispute in the East China Sea – by reminding the world of the horrific crimes its troops committed during the war years.


2、It is intended to use the country’s increasingly sophisticated military capabilities to flex China’s muscles on the world stage.


3、Xi’s key target audience is the Chinese public. “It seems to me that the whole thing is really for internal consumption and is really part and parcel of this ramping up of the nationalist rhetoric in the story that Xi and co are pushing,” said Nick Bisley, the executive director of La Trobe Asia. “You are not doing this to impress the Pentagon.”

澳大利亚拉筹伯大学教授Nick Bisley认为,这次的阅兵主要针对国内民众,一是提升国内的消费,二是推动民族主义情绪不可或缺的一部分。这与让美国受惊无关。

牛津大学Dickson Poon China Centre的教授Rana Mitter则指出了中国阅兵的内涵,即there was a genuine desire among many Chinese to see their country’s contribution to the allied victory recognized.(中国人渴望西方国家承认中国对抗战胜利作出的贡献),同时政府希望借此增强民族凝聚力(idea of Chinese national identification)和认同感(idea of identity)。

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