等等用英语怎么说 等等用英文怎么说

发布时间:2017-06-17 17:39

等等,表示列举未尽;“称等”之“等”的重叠用法。语出《西游补》第九回:“ 行者道:‘约来的数不确,你自家等等分釐看。’”等等用英语怎么说?本文是小编整理的,欢迎阅读。



děng deng

wait a minute


1. So many things are unsafe these days—milk, cranberry sauce, what have you.


2. "Wait for me!" Melanie squawked. "I'm not staying here alone."


3. I also enjoy windsurfing, tennis, racquetball, swimming, you name it.


4. I was running down the hill shouting, "Michael, Michael, man, wait up".


5. We'll have to wait and see what happens.


6. His new girlfriend is attractive, funny, smart, yada yada yada.


7. I won't be hurried into a decision; you'll just have to wait!

我不会匆忙作出决定的, 你等等吧!

8. She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.

她以做家务 、 看电视 、 看书等等度过一天.

9. He bought a lot of fruIt'such as apples and peaches.


10. To this class of substance belong mica, porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc.

属于这类物质的有云母 、 瓷器 、 石英 、 玻璃 、 木材等等.

11. You hang up hurriedly and attend to baby, crockery, etc.

你慌忙挂上电话,去照料孩子, 去收拾陶器, 等等.

12. Wait for me, I have to clean up.

等等我, 我得洗洗手.

13. We had better buy tea, sugar, etc.

我们最好买些茶 、 糖等等.

14. The cardinal includes 1, 2, 3, etc.

基数词包括1 、 2 、 3等等.

15. The women were there in their jeans and T-shirts and overalls and whatnot.


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