
发布时间:2016-11-29 20:43


Being Queen Elizabeth II opens you up to certain privileges thatthe rest of us can only dream of. Not only does she get to live inBuckingham Palace, milling between 700 odd rooms on a dailybasis, but there are a few other actions that the Queen and onlythe Queen can pull off.

Here are the things that the Queen can do that you can’t, not that she's showing off or anything:



·If you're the Queen of England acquiring a driving license like every other British 17-year-old isnot necessary. The Queen is the only person in Britain who can drive without a licence. Becausethey are issued in the Queen's name, it would be unnecessary for her to give herself a license. Butthat doesn't mean she can't drive – Elizabeth operated a first-aid truck for the Women’s AuxillaryTerritorial Service during WWII.

如果你是英格兰女王的话,那么像英国别的17岁少年一样去考驾照这种事就免啦!女王是全英国境内唯一一位不用驾照也能开车的人。因为驾照就是以女王名义发布的,让她再给自己发个驾照很没有必要。但这并不意味着她不会开车——伊丽莎白女王曾在二战期间为英国本土军女子辅助服务团(Women's Auxillary Territorial Service)驾驶过急救车。

·As well as not having to have a licence, she also does not have to bother with a registrationplate for her car.


·The Queen can travel abroad without any travel documents or a passport, since these are issuedin her own name. This is something that even other members of the Royal Family can't get awaywith, so passports at the ready Charles et al.


·Her majesty is entitled to two birthdays per year. While her actual proper legit birthday is on 21April, her 'official' Queen's birthday is celebrated on a Saturday in June.




·Most of us have to walk outside to draw cash but unlike the average citizen, the Queen has herown private cash machine installed in the basement of Buckingham Palace, supplied by exclusivefancy bank Coutts.


·The Queen does not have to pay taxes, unlike the rest of us peasants. However, she has beenvoluntarily paying tax since 1992 because she’s nice like that.


·The Queen holds the ability to fire the entire Australian government since she is technically theHead of State in Australia.


·We can be arrested; Queen Elizabeth II cannot as she is immune from prosecution. Because thecourts are under the power of the Sovereign, i.e the Queen, she is unable to prosecute herselfbecause that would be ridiculous.

我们可能被捕,但因为伊丽莎白女王二世拥有起诉豁免权,她无法被捕。因为法院权力受制 于君主,即女王,所以要让她来起诉自己无疑是件不可能的荒唐事。

· Also, she cannot be compelled to give evidence in court since all prosecutions are carried out inthe name of the Sovereign.


· The Queen and members of the Royal Family are exempt from Freedom of Information requests,meaning you can't request to find out all her secrets – although earlier this year Prince Charles'spider letters' were revealed to the public after a court ruling.

女王和别的皇室家庭成员不受信息自由法令(Freedom of Information)的约束,这意味着你不能要求挖掘女王的全部秘密——虽然今年早些时候查尔斯王子的‘蜘蛛信件’在法庭判决后得以公开。
