
发布时间:2017-03-16 10:48



A so-called "lean-meat pork" is very popular in Nanjing markets. Compared with common pork, this kind of pork hardly contains any fat. Insiders working in the live pig industry nicknamed these lean-meat pigs "bodybuilder pigs". But CCTV reporters have found the secret behind the product: the pigs have been fed with clenobuterol hydrochloride, a chemical which China prohibits. What's more, the "bodybuilder pigs" were also sold to the Henan Jiyuan Shuanghui company, a branch of the meat-processing enterprise Shuanghui Group. Although Jiyuan Shuanghui claims they don't buy this type of pig, a pig vendor has come forward admitting they have completed under-the-table deals with the company, in which the "bodybuilder pigs" were bought by Jiyuan Shuanghui.



文中的“bodybuilder pigs”就是“健美猪”的意思,“bodybuilder”是指“健美者”。“clenobuterol hydrochloride”就是3.15晚会上曝光的“瘦肉精”,也有人直接称之为“lean meat powder”。文中的“under-the-table”是指“台下的,暗中的”。“under-the-table deals”是指“暗中交易”。
