
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:38


A quick and simple blood test could soon diagnose which cancer a patient has and how advanced the disease is, scientists said.

Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine have developed a test which can quickly tell doctors how large the tumour is, how it is responding to treatment and how it has evolved over time.

According to the medics, the new test works for the most common types of cancer, including breast, lung and prostate. It could even be used to screen healthy or at-risk patients for signs of the illness.






文中的blood test就是“验血”的意思,其中test在这里表示医疗上的“检查、检验、化验”,比如test results(化验结果)、fitness test(体能测试)等。学校里的“小测验”也可以写成test,注意区别test、quiz和examination三词。examination可以简写作exam(口语中常用exam),通常用来指比较正式的“大型考试”,比如final examination(期末考试);quiz一般指课堂上进行的非正式“测验”,比test的规模更小。

