
发布时间:2017-03-21 15:00




2、1582年,法国国王查理九世决定采用新改革的纪年法:格里高利历(即通用的阳历),以元旦为新的一年的开始,改变了过去以四月一日为新年的开端。但一些守旧派反对这种改革,依然按照旧的历法在这天送新年礼,庆祝新年。主张改革的人把守旧派这些做法大加嘲弄,给他们送假礼物,邀请他们参加假的聚会。从此,在这天捉弄人便流传开来。当人上当受骗的时候,捉弄他的人会大声叫:“四月之愚”(“POISSON D'AVRIL”),意为“四月恶作剧”。聪明滑稽的人在四月一日就给他们送假礼品,邀请他们参加假招待会.并把上当受骗的保守分子称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩的鱼”。 从此人们在4月1日便互相愚弄,成为法国流行的风俗。18世纪初,愚人节习俗传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。







1 According to British historian of research: Origins "April Fools' Day was established out of the Indian Buddhist phrase" reach the other side, "the words. The Englishman encyclopedia which is recorded the: after "April Fool" is the fifteenth century AD religious revolution began to appear a liar festival. Then King Philip II of Spain had established an "Inquisition" as long as it is deemed not Catholic heresy, sentenced to death in April each year, which is the death penalty. Subjects felt terrible, so every day is fun to make fun of lying to dilute the rulers of fear and hatred. Then, follow the course of time, evolved into today's "April Fool's Day."


2.1582, King Charles IX of France decided to adopt a new reform of chronology - the Gregorian calendar (ie common Gregorian calendar) to a pair of New Year's Day of this reform is still under the old calendar to send New Year's ceremony on this day to celebrate New Year. Who advocates reform of the old school big plus ridicule these practices, send them fake gifts, inviting them to participate in a fake party. Since then, people will make fun of this day to spread. When people fall, when people would make fun of him shouted: "April fool" ("POISSON D'AVRIL"), meaning "April prank." The origin of this idiom of the original meaning is unclear.

2.1582年,法国国王查理九世决定采用新改革的纪年法——格里高利历(即通用的阳历),以元旦为一 对这种改革,依然按照旧的历法在这天送新年礼,庆祝新年。主张改革的人把守旧派这些做法大加嘲弄,给他们送假礼物,邀请他们参加假的聚会。从此,在这天捉弄人便流传开来。当人上当受骗的时候,捉弄他的人会大声叫:“四月之愚”(“POISSON D'AVRIL”),意为“四月恶作剧”。这句成语的由来与原来之意义已不清楚。

.Smart funny people in April gave them leave to send gifts, invite them to participate in sham conference has deceived the Tories called "April Fool" or "bait fish." Since then people have to fool each other on April 1, becoming popular custom in France. Early 18th century, the custom spread to England April Fool's Day, followed by Britain's early immigrants to the United States.

聪明滑稽的人在四月一日就给他们送假礼品,邀请他们参加假招待会.并把上当受骗的保守分子称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩的鱼”。 从此人们在4月1日便互相愚弄,成为法国流行的风俗。18世纪初,愚人节习俗传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。

3 According to legend, about one thousand six hundred and fifty years after the distance between the first man, Adam, God to flood to destroy the world, but leaving only the third son of Adam's descendants Mastermind Noah, a man of his preservation of a ship life size. After the flood instincts, he released a white dove of Noah, want to explore a piece of land after the flood subsided, because this day happens to be April 1. So later that in this day to do a meaningless things, like a dove made ​​of white workers as stupid behavior, is the origin of "April Fool" is.


4 According to Roman residual membership records: Rome was held in early April each year, "Ginger Man will be" a year "Ginger Man will", when women dominate the god of white snow Lisi race Ping Luo Na picking daffodils in a very paradise, Wang met Hades Bodhisattva Colorado, two fall in love, mutual affection, Bodhisattva, Colorado will marry white race Ping Luo Na as the queen of Hades, when the two of them returned to the government, the laughing Bodhisattva eat errands in Colorado are the ghosts issued Fuchu sound, in order to fool the snow Lisi, while snow Lisi fruit be fooled, she followed the sound sources are looking for. Therefore, they are an annual "Man Jiang will" to "April Fools."


5 According to Christian saying: "Fool's Day" is a day to commemorate Jesus' crucifixion, Jesus was crucified on the cross before, running around later forced to April 1 to commemorate this day he is innocent of such crucified man alive, in fact, contains a sense of vigilance.


6 April Fool's Day and the Roman festival of music play (Hilaria, 3 May 25) and India joyous festival (Holi, until March 31 ) there are similarities .


7 In the choice of timing , and the " vernal equinox " relevant , this time the weather often changes suddenly , like a fool human nature .


8 The UK has a folklore that April Fool's Day with the one called " Gotham " about town . Legend in the 13th century there is such a tradition , all the king inspected the road will be reverted to the public domain . Gotham 's citizens do not want to lose their trunk , so spread a rumor , hoping to prevent the king's tour. King then went to inquire about sending official news , news official after reaching towns and villages, streets were found Fengsha person. King gave up inspection plan. So he came by the April Fool's Day Memorial Gotham town people lie.


9 clown says professor emeritus of American humor at Boston University, USA Joseph - Persian historical origins of April Fool's gold to put forward their own views , he believes Fool's Day originated in a joke. In 1983, the Persian King once said that the concept of April Fool's from Rome clown three to four centuries AD Constantine I Roman period. It was said that clowns successfully petitioned the ruler , the ruler allows them to elect one member in a given day can become king. Thus, in April the same day , Constantine I the right to rule the Roman Empire to him a clown - Kuji Er king. Kuji Er then decreed that April 1 will never be as absurd day. Persian Jinjie Shao said at the time the agency did not have much interest in this topic. " I think I should have because of this bizarre story and praised by everyone ."

