As world leaders gather at the UN General Assembly to review the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals, a set of stamps featuring the artwork by the disabled were launched last week at the headquarters of the world body, the first one of which showcases 'Thousand-handed Goddess' – a well-known Chinese dance.
"United Nations stamps are unique envoys to spread ideas and inspirations," Liu Jieyi, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, said at a press conference to launch the stamps.
文中的###Thousand-handed Goddess就是“千手观音”的意思。其中的Goddess,相对于God(神),解释为“女神”。常见的搭配用法还有:a tutelar goddess 守护女神、a screen goddess 银幕女神(即指女电影明星)、the goddess of chance 命运女神等。
另外,文中还出现了一些与联合国相关的词汇,如UN General Assembly 联合国大会,permanent representative to the United Nations 常驻联合国代表等。Millennium Development Goals,简写可作MDGs,意思是“千年发展目标”,是联合国的一项旨在将全球贫困水平在2015年前降低一半(以1990年水平为标准)的行动计划。millennium即相当于1000 years——一千年,前缀mille-是“千”的意思。