
发布时间:2017-05-17 15:36



2017年山东省高考英语作文1:The Reasons of Going to School

When I saw the movie The God Must be Crazy, I was laughing so happily, the movie tells about the uncivilized world and the civilized world, the former is simple and happy while the latter is complicated and sensitive. People nowadays have to go to school since they are small, most students keep studying until they are graduate from college. They go to school for many reasons.


they go to school for learning knowledge, so that they can survive in the society. People live in the civilized world, they need to learn all kinds of skills, for the purpose of knowing the world and get used to the environment. Unlike the original world, people hunt for living, they don’t have so many things to learn, all they do is to find the food and keep themselves alive.

人们上学是为了学习知识,这样他们才能在社会里生存。人们生活在一个文明的世界,他们需要学习各种各样的技巧,为了了解世界和适应环境。不像原始社会,人们靠打猎生存,他们没有那么多的东西要学,他们所做的一切就是为了找到食物,让自己生存下来。People go to school also for the purpose of cultivating themselves with good merits. The world is full of regulations and people have the merit consciousness, to be a good person can make them become the member of the public, so people have to learn to be a person with good merit and make a contribution to the society.

人们上学也是为了培养美好的品德。世界充满了规则,人们也有道德意识,成为一个好人能让他们成为大众的一员,所以人们不得不学着去成为一个用好良好品德的好人,对社会做贡献。In a word, people need to go to school to get used to the civilized world.


2017年山东省高考英语作文2:How to Communicate With Kids?

As the saying that every family has their issues, the most common issue between families is the communication between parents and children. Most kids would not like to talk about their happiness and sorrow with their parents, they think their parents never really understand them. If the parents want to have nice talk with their kids, they must try to be the kids’ friends.

俗话说,每个家庭都有他们的烦恼,家庭中最普遍的烦恼就是父母和孩子间的沟通。大部分孩子不喜欢和他们的父母谈论他们的幸福和忧伤,他们觉得父母从来没有真正的理解他们。如果家长想要和他们的孩子交流愉快,他们必须尝试成为孩子的朋友。The problem why the kids would not like to talk things with their parents is that the parents always treat their kids as the small ones, so when the kids want to try something they are interested, the parents’ first reaction is to deny the children’s trying, and tell them to do this is na?ve. As the parents always judge what their kids do with their viewpoint, the children feel frustrated and don’t want to talk to their parents gradually.

孩子不愿意和他们的父母聊天的问题在于父母总是把他们的孩子当成没长大,因此当孩子想要和他们聊一些感兴趣的话题时,父母的第一反应就是否定孩子的尝试,告诉他们这样做事很幼稚的。由于父母总是用他们的眼光来评判孩子的所作所为,孩子会感到受挫,慢慢不想要和他们的父母交流。The parents should listen to their kids more, it is better not to give the children judgment right now, to be the kids’ friends will help promote the communication. So when the children tell their plans or interesting things, the parents should just listen to them.


2017年山东省高考英语作文3:The Way to Protect the Skin

When the autumn comes, the air is so dry, people’s skin becomes dry, too, especially for the girls, they can’t stand their skin looks so old, they figure out all the ways to protect their skin and keep their skin smooth. Protecting the skin is very important, it can make people look younger and healthy. There are many ways to protect the skin.

当秋天到来的时候,空气很干燥,人们的皮肤也很干燥,特比是对于女孩子来说,他们不能忍受皮肤看起来那么老,她们想尽所有的方法来来保护皮肤,保持皮肤光滑。保护皮肤是很重要的,那能让人看起来更加的年轻和健康。保护皮肤的方法有很多。First, we need to drink more water. People’s body contains a lot of water, without water, there is no life. Water keeps people alive, when people feel thirsty, their bodies are lacking of water, they need to drink some water to gain the energy. When lacking water, people’s skin will wrinkle, it will make people look old, at this moment, people can drink more water to make the skin smooth.

第一,我们需要多喝点水。人们的身体内含有很多的水分,没有水分,就没有生命。水让人存活,当人感到渴的时候,他们的身体缺少水分,需要喝水来增加能量。当缺水的时候,人们的皮肤会变皱,让人看起来显老,同时,人们可以多喝水来让他们的皮肤光滑。Second, people can buy some skin protecting product, like the oil, they can paste the oil on the skin, the skin will gain some water, thus it will not lose a lot of water. The products are very helpful to keep the skin smooth.

第二,人们可以买一些护肤产品,比如油类,他们可以抹在脸上,皮肤就会吸水,这样能保持水分的流失。这样的产品在保持皮肤光滑方面非常有用。Drinking more water and pasting the oil are the best ways to keep the skin smooth, for looking young, let’s protect the skin.

