
发布时间:2017-03-10 18:16



the story begins around 2170 b.c. after the great flood in the hsia dynasty. yu, king of many kingdoms, was credited with stopping the flood, and with teaching farmers how to cultivate their fields, thus commencing a prosperous epoch.

at the same time in heaven the jade emperor wished to help the farmers raise animals and cultivate their fields. he gave orders to his ten sons to become ten suns and travel across the sky one at a time, each taking one day. the ten young men disobeyed; all ten of them came out every day, and the heat from ten suns shining all at once made the earth intolerably hot. people and animals died of heat, rivers dried up, land became barren and forests scorched and burned.

the farmers prayed, giving sacrifices and burning incense to heaven for deliverance. the jade emperor heard their prayers and saw the destruction caused by his sons. he sent hou yi, his bravest god, down to earth to solve the problem of the ten suns and end the catastrophe. hou yi was a good, courageous god with a beautiful wife, chang er. deeply in love with each other, they were known as the divine couple. chang er didn't like the thought of going down to earth, but she was unwilling to be separated from her husband, so together they descended to earth and became mortals among the eastern clans.


gangjiang and moye, who were husband and wife and lived in the state of chu, were obliged to forge swords for the king. three years had passed before they could finally produce them. annoyed, the king intended to kill ganjiang. the couple made two swords, one male, the other female. just then moye, the wife, was about to give birth to a child. the husband said to her,"since it has taken me three long years to make the swords, the king must be angry. it is certain that he will put me to death when i go and present the swords to him. if the child turns out to be a boy, tell him this as soon as he is grown up, `go out of the house, look at the southern mountains and search for the place where a pine tree is growing on a rock. try to find one of the swords on its back.'" after he had said this, ganjiang left for the palace with the female sword. the king became furious when he saw only one sword, and ordered it to be examined. when he was told that there were actually two swords, one male and the other female, and that the one he saw was female, while the male one was not there, the king flew into a rage and had ganjiang beheaded at once.


song dingbo, a young man in nanyang, met a ghost one night while walking along the road. "who is it?" he asked. "a ghost," answered the ghost. "who are you?" "i am a ghost, too," zong lied. "where are you going?" the ghost asked. "i am going to wanshi," zong answered. "i am also going there," the ghost said. so they went a few li together. "it is very tiresome to walk like this," said the ghost. "why do we not carry each other on our backs by turns?" "that is an excellent idea," zong agreed. first the ghost carried zong for & few li. "you are so heavy!" it said. "are you really a ghost?" zong said, "i died quite recently, so i am heavy." then it was his turn to carry the ghost, which was almost weightless. they went on like this, each carrying the other several times. zong said, "since i have just died, i do not know what a ghost fears." "a ghost fears nothing but to be spat at," the ghost told him.

they came to a river. zong asked the ghost to cross it first. he listened and found that the ghost made no noise at all. when he waded the river, he splashed and made a lot of noise. "why did you make so much noise?" the ghost asked. "i have not yet learned to cross a river quietly, since i am a new ghost," zong answered, adding, "please bear with me about that."
