
发布时间:2017-03-17 11:48



Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton) is a US fading movie star who once played iconic superhero Birdman in three blockbuster movies but refused the fourth sequel. After two decades, the middle aged Thomson has almost been forgotten by fans. The egotistical actor struggles to regain his former glory and to prove himself as a real performing artist by writing, directing and starring in a theater play.

瑞根•汤姆森(迈克尔•基顿 饰)是美国一个过气的电影演员,他曾因出演(漫画英雄)系列电影《鸟人》三部曲、在其中扮演标志性的超级英雄“鸟人”而出名,(在大红大紫时)他却拒绝出演该电影第四部。二十年后,人到中年的汤姆森已经完全被粉丝遗忘。为了重拾往昔的荣耀,这位高傲的演员打算自编自导自演一场舞台剧来证明自己的表演实力。

Birdman starts with Thomson sitting in the dressing room of a historic theater and follows the process of him preparing and performing his play. If you simply expect an inspirational comeback story, this film might disappoint you.


Before his Broadway debut, he causes a stir with a video of him dashing frantically wearing nothing but his underwear through Times Square.


Thomson later uses a real gun to shoot himself in front of the audience in the theater. In the end of the movie, Thomson’s daughter Sam (Emma Stone) stands in his room in the hospital, but the father is gone, leaving the viewers to guess where he’s going and whether he survives.

后来,他当着剧院观众的面,拿起一把真枪对自己扣下了扳机。在影片的结尾,汤姆森的女儿萨姆(艾玛•斯通 饰)站在父亲的病房里,却发现父亲已不知去向。汤姆森到底有没有活下来?他又去了哪里?影片把这些悬念都留给了观众。


Probably no one would better understand the main character than Michael Keaton. The 63-year-old American actor first gained fame for his portrayal of the Gotham hero in Tim Burton’s Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992). But now when we talk about Batman, we all talk about Christian Bale, maybe also Ben Affleck in the future. Who remembers Keaton?


We have to give the credit to Emmanuel Lubezki for making Birdman fast paced and fluent. The Oscar winning cameraman uses impossibly long tracking shots in the movie, making us feel that it is unfolding in one continuous take. From the reality of Thomson preparing for his show to the illusion of himself flying over the Manhattan city as Birdman, the genius cinematographer allows the film to veer without a break.


Throughout the movie, Thomson swings between having high self-esteem and incessantly doubting whether the audience will accept him again. It’s hard to tell whether he’s acting for the sake of art or to ingratiate himself with the critics.


Many say Birdman mocks the modern film industry. Whether or not this is true, director Alejandro González Inárritu has successfully raised serious questions about the fading nature of fame in show business.

