
发布时间:2016-12-01 23:55



The Elysee Palace in France enjoys equal popularity in the world with the Buclangham Palace in the United Kingdom, the Kremlin in Russia as well as the White House in the U.S. It is the residence of the president ofthe French Republic and the symbol of the supreme authority in the France.


The Elysee Palace, with an area of 11,000 square meters, is at the easten end ofthe Champs Elysee in the bustling city of Pairs and backed by a large and tranquil garden of more than twenty thousand square meters. Is main building, quite handsome and graceful, is a two story classical stone architecture of European style, flanked by two side bruldings facing each other and with an extensive rectangular courtyard in the middle. There are altogether 369 halls and rooms of different size.

爱丽合官位于巴黎香榭丽合大街东端,它占地1 1000平方米,地处喧闹的市中心,背靠一个2万多平方米的恬静大花园o 它的主楼,是一座两层的欧式古典石建筑,庄重典雅,两侧各有一座建筑,相峙而立,中间是一个宽敞的矩形庭院,官内一共有369间大小不等的厅室。


The Elysee Palace, built in 1718, has a long history of closing to 300 years to date. This house was at first a private residence of a count named'Evreau, hence it was called Hotel d'Evreau. It had later gone through many vicissitudes and its owners had been changed for many times, but all the dwellers in it were distinguished personages and high officials.The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when it was owned by Louis 15 and Louis 16 successively when they acted as emperors. Napoleon I signed his act of abdication here when he had suffered crushing defeat in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Napoleon 3 moved in the Mansion in 1848 when he was elected president, and the house became a Royal Palace when he proclaimed himself as emperor. The Third French Republic issued a decreee in 1873, designating officially the Elysee Palace as the residence of president of the French Republic. Over the hundred odd years since then, almost all the president of the French Republic worked and lived there. Starting from 1989, the Elysee Palace is open to the public every year in September on the French Castles Day.

爱丽舍官,始建于1718年,至今有近300年的悠久历史。它最初是一位名叫戴弗罗伯爵的私人住宅,因此那时也称作戴弗罗公馆。此后历经沧桑,几易其主,但都—直为达官贵人所享用路易十五和路易十六当政时相继居住于此,并将其更名为波旁大厦。 1815年拿破仑一世在滑铁仑战役中一败涂地,并在此签字退位。 1848年拿破仑三世在被选举为总统后迁居于此,在他称帝后这里就变成了皇家宫殿。 1873年法兰西共和国颁布法令,正式将其指定为法兰西共和国总统府。此后百余年,法兰西共和国的历届总统几乎都在此工作和生活过,自1989年起,爱丽合官每年于9月的法国古堡节这天对公众开发。


Landing in France, a sacred feeling suddenly arises which attracts you to know more about this country.


France, approximately hexagonal in shape, has a boundary on the east with Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and is bounded on the southeast by Monaco and the Mediterranean Sea; on the south are Spain and Andorra, with the Bay of Biscay on the west and the English Channel on the north as natural borders.


A series of massive mountain ranges includes the Alps, which separate France and Italy, and the Jura Mountains that delineate the Franco-Swiss border.The Pyrenees Mountains, extending along them Franco-Spanish frontier from the Mediterranean to the Bay of Biscay, forms the other mountain boundary of France.


The plains region is a prolection of the great plain of Europe. The outstanding features of the plains are the river valleys. Among all the nevers, totaling more than 200 with numerous tributaries which are almost all commercially navigable, the Rhine River is the largest in terms of discharge volume.


The capital and largest city in France is Paris, which attracts many visitors every year. Marseilles is a chiefport and Lyon is an industrial center famous for its textiles. Other major cities include Toulouse, an industrial and trade center; Nice, a resort; Strasbourg, a Rhine River port and industrial and commercial center; Bordeaux, a seaport and most famous for its wine.


French perfume,champagne,and bridges in Paris... want to know more? then next time we will retum to Paris,and you willleam more about her.

