
发布时间:2017-02-07 09:23




1.Can you tell me your______________ (名字), boys.

2.We are______________ (主人)of our country.

3.Jim______________ (喜爱)playing football.

4.I say “Good ______________ (上午)” to my teachers every day.

5.She has ______________ (短的) black hair.

6.She is a ______________(苗条的) girl.

7.- What’s in the boxes? – Oh, they’re___________(电子狗).

8.She is very tall, but she doesn’t wear___________(眼镜).

9.Lucy would like a ____________(玻璃杯) of water.

10._________(人人) in our class likes Mr. Wu, our English teacher.

11.I like_____________ (数学),so I am good at it.

12.Simon is tall and__________(强壮的), and he is a member in football team.

13.Many students__________ (通常)go to school at 6:30.

14.This is our ____________(教室).We clean it every day.

15. His mother plays______________(网球)very well.

16. I really like sports. I want to join a Sports __________(俱乐部).

17. I have many things to do today. I am not ___________(空闲).

18. I __________(希望)Chinese Men's National Soccer Team(中国国家男子足球队)can play in the next World Cup.

19. Everyone should have a____________(梦想).

20.Where do you usually __________(购物)?

21.I like playing table____________(乒乓球)very much.

22.What____________(其他的)do you want?

23.Basketball is a___________ (团队) event (活动).

24.—Which is your__________(特别喜爱的)subject? —English.

25. Here are two bikes. ____________ (哪一个)one is yours(你的),Jim?

26.Are you good at______________(生物)?

27.Who is the man at our school _____________(大门)?

28.There’s a teacher’s desk in the___________(前面) of our classroom.It’s for our teachers.

29.Whose book is on the__________(地面)?

30. There is a map of China on the _______(墙) of our classroom.

31. What do you often do after_______(课)?

32. Simon is talking to his mum on the__________(电话).

33.—Can you help me with my English, Millie? —_______(当然).

34.It’s ___________(仅仅)seven o’clock. It is still early.

35.Do you know anything about those___________ (博物馆)?

36.My father____________(很少) goes to school on foot。

37.Our school is in the _________ (小山).

38.Which is your favourite__________(季节)?

39.What’s the __________(日期)today?

40.Jack is helpful.He is ___________(总是)ready to help others.

41.At first I found English difficult(难) to___________ (学).

42.Do you have a PE lesson on___________ (周二)afternoon?

43.We should read books to know more about the___________ (世界).

44. Daniel __________(练习) playing badminton every Friday.

45. The shop sells different _________(种类) of books.

46. You should do more _________(锻炼). You can do morning________(锻炼)every day.

47. We are getting ___________(准备)for Betty’s Birthday these days.

48. The two girls are both thirteen. They are of the same _________________(年龄).

49. Basketball is my brother’s _____________(体育运动).

50. Our teacher usually ____________(步行) to work.

51. You are ____________(确实) lucky, Jim.

52. Eddie walks to his bowl many ___________(次数) a day.

53. Do you often go roller______________________(滑冰)?

54. The film starts at a _____________(一刻) past six.

55. Mary’s ___________(愿望)is to get a new bike.

56. When does Millie go out for a ___________(野餐)?

57. There are ___________(少) eggs in the fridge. I have to buy some.

58. _____________(有时) Millie helps me with my Chinese.

59. It ________(花) me much time to do my homework every day.

60. She looks ___________(时髦) and beautiful in this yellow dress.

61. Can you _______(带)me around your school library?

61. She is __________(如此) angry that she leaves without any words

62. Jim likes keeping _________(日记)in his free time.

63. _______(想) you like to have some ice cream? It’s hot now.

64. I think __________(购物) online is easier and cheaper.

65. Do you have_________(乐趣)going rowing with us?

66. Millie _________(享受…的乐趣) playing volleyball.

67. Do you get __________(准备好)for your birthday party?

68. The policeman saved these children’s _________(生命).

69. He _________(借) a book from the library every week.

70. We always have too _________(多) homework.

71. At ___________(周末) ,we often go to the cinema together.

72. My ________(梦想) is to travel to the moon.

73. Now let’s ___________(见)my new classmates.

74. The _________(科目)Millie likes best is Maths

75. My home is far ________(远离) from the school.

76. The classroom is clean and __________(明亮的).

77. Each boy _______(有) a ball like yours

78. The dog is walking _________(到处) the table to get some bones on it.

79. The students in our school have lunch in the big dinning _______(礼堂).

80. The swimming pool is _________(仅仅) open from 1p.m. to 5p.m. every day.

81. We need to have a ________(休息) after class.

82. He _______(总是) gets up early, he is _________(从不) late for school.

83. Our lessons ________(开始)at 7:40 every day.

84. Mother _________(叫醒) me up at 6 in the morning.

85. They do it like this __________(只是) for fun.

86. What he said is ________(真实的). We should believe him.

二. 根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1.This is our ______________ (one ) day at No.1 Middle Schoo1.

2.Does Daniel like______________ (read) books?

3.Millie is twelve ______________ (year)old.

4.My ______________ (hobby) are football and volleyball.

5.After school,Daniel with his friends usually ______________(play) together.

6.Kobe is ___________(real) a good basketball star.

7.________________ (draw)is my favourite hobby.

8.The football players are our _________(hero).

9.The girl loves____________(dance).

10.She is in the_______________(read) Club.

11.It __________(make)me feel happy.

12.The clothes are the __________ (play).

13.Do you often watch tennis _____________ (match)with your father?

14.Sandy 1ikes keeping__________(diary)to help her remember things.

15.Now most people live in tall___________(build).They don’t live in small houses any more.

16.He is good at swimming. He swims _________ (good).

17. Can you hear_______(I),Millie?

18. I often meet up with an old teacher of ________(we) in the park.

19. Everyone likes __________ (she), what about _________(you)?

20. They are ________(they)coats. Pleases put ________(they)on the bed.

21. Class begins. ______________ (open) your books, boys and girls.

22. —Whose ball is it? —Maybe it’s _____________ (she).

23. I have a lovely cat. _______________ (it) name is Mimi.

24. The little boy is sitting between Jack and __________________ (I).

25. The ___________(parent) meeting begins at 2 p.m.

26.This is not ________(I)dog. It’s ________(her).

27. —Is that bike ________(you)?—No, it’s not ________(my).

28. Miss Li teaches ____________(our) English. We loves her lessons very much.

29. How many __________________ (library) are there in your city?

30. Tommy is a member of the Swimming Club, he is a good ________(swim).

31. After doing morning _______(exercise), our lessons begin at 7:30 a.m.

32. Is it time for __________ (she) __________ (take) the medicine?

33. They do many sports ___________(activity) on the playground after school.

34. Which do you like __________ (good), apples, oranges, or pears?

35. Best _________(wish) for you and your family.

36. Mike ___________(like) doing morning exercise, so he is not healthy.

37. I am going to visit the Great Wall ________(two) a year.

38. The shop is __________ (close) on Sunday.

39. Some of _________ (they) are playing games at the moment.

40. She is one of the newest __________ (member) in our team.

41. He is good at ____________ (swim); he is a good ____________ (swim).

42. The woman in a pretty dress is the ____________ (run) aunt.

43. Does Kitty go to the ___________(dance) Club three times a week?

44. From the World Cup, we can enjoy many wonderful ___________(match).

45. Sally is one of the _____________(good) students in her class.

46. The shopping mall is _________(open) from 9a.m. to 10 p.m.

47. My parents and I sometimes go__________(walk) at weekends.

48. Thank you for __________(giving) me so much help.

49. You can find the __________( happy) in reading.

50. The football is one of my _____________(classmate).

51. I’d like three __________(glass) of milk.

52. My name is Millie, I __________( be) 12 years old.

53. There is a __________(swim) pool near my school.

54. They have _________(lot) of pencils.

55. Who do you like _________(well) in your family?

56. Mary likes ___________(chat) with her classmates at lunchtime.

57. Please help me take some ________(photo) ,Lucy.

58. The Japanese restaurant is on the _________(nine) floor.

59. It’s about two ________(hour) walk from my home to the museum.

60. Our house is quite far away from ________( their).

61. We ________(usual) clean the classroom after school.

62. The new student in my class________(come) from Australia.
