
发布时间:2017-05-07 16:54




Cao Cao Sings an Ode with Leveled Spear

This is a story from Kingdoms. After suppressing the separatist forces in the north and taking control of the court, Cao Cao led his 830,000-strong army to the north bank of the Yangtze River, aiming to destroy Sun Quan and Liu Bei who were on the other side of the river. It was the thirteenth year of Jian Ah, the fifteenth day of the eleventh month. The weather was clear and bright, the wind calm, the waves still. Cao Cao ordered a feast and entertainment for the commanders that evening. The moon was bright and the GREat River lay slack, like a belt of white silk unrolled. Aboard ship, all the attendants were in damask coats and embroidered jackets. Cao Cao spoke to the assembly: “We have raised this force to purge evil, dispel threats to the ruling family and to calm the empire. The Southland alone remains outside our sphere. Today I invite you to join me. When we have received the submission of the Southland and the empire is at peace, we shall share with you the enjoyments of wealth and glory.” The audience rose as one to give Cao Cao thanks. Cao Cao was gratified and offered wine to the river. Then he quaffed three full goblets and, leveling his spear, said to his commanders, “Here is the weapon that broke the Yellow Scarves, took Lu Bu, eliminated Yuan Shu, subdued Yuan Shao, penetrated beyond the northern frontier, and conquered the east as far as Liao dong. In the length and breadth of this land no man has withstood me. My ambitions have always been those of a man of action, a leader among men. And now the scene before us fills my soul with profound passion. I shall perform a song, and you must join me.” Cao Cao recited:

Here before us, wine and song!

For man does not live long.


It southbound circles thrice a tree,

That offers him no haven.

the mountaintop no beight eschews,

the sea eschews no deep.

And the Duke of Zhou spat out his meal,

An empire's trust to keep.

As Cao Cao finished, Liu Fu, an imperial inspector, pointed out ominous words in the ode. Cao Cao, already drunk at that time, pierced Liu Fu through with his spear, killing him. Lin Fu's words were proved later in the battle at Chibi, where Cao Cao almost lost his life.

曹操平定了北方割据势力,控制了朝政。他又亲率八十三万大军,直达长江北岸,准备渡江消灭孙权和刘备,进而统一全中国。建安十三年(公元208 年),冬十一月十五日,天气晴朗,风平浪静,曹操下令:“今晚在大船上摆酒设乐,款待众将。”到了晚上,天空的月亮非常明亮,长江宛如横飘的一条素带。再看船上众将,个个锦衣绣袄,好不威风。曹操告诉众将官:我自起兵以来,为国除害,扫平四海,使天下太平。现在只有南方我还没得到,今天请你们来,为我统一中国同心协力,日后天下太平,我们共享荣华富贵。文武们都站起来道谢,曹操非常高兴,先以酒奠长江,随后满饮三大杯。并横槊告诉众将说:我拿此槊破黄巾,擒吕布、灭袁术、收袁绍,深入塞北,直达辽东,纵横天下,颇不负大丈夫之志,在这良辰美景,我作歌,你们跟着和。接着,他唱曰:“对酒当歌,人生几何…… 绕树三匝,无树可依,山不厌高,水不厌深,周公吐哺,天下归心。”歌罢,刺史刘馥说,此歌不祥。曹操乘醉,将他用槊刺死。果不出所料,曹操乐极生悲。赤壁一战,险些特了性命。


Huang Zhong Takes on the Challenge

This is a story from Three Kingdoms. Huang Zhong, a veteran in the army of Shu, was one of its top five generals. Zhang He under Cao Cao had suffered one defeat after another. Cao Hong gave him a 5,000-strong army to attack Jiameng Pass. When Liu Bei learned this, he consulted with Zhuge Liang, his military advisor. Zhuge Liang said: “Zhang He is a distinguished general of Cao Cao. Only Zhang Fei could defeat him.” This irritated veteran Huang Zhong. Huang shouted: “Advisor has looked down upon me. I will get his head off and offer it to you.” Zhuge Liang prodded Huang again by saying, “Though you are valiant, I am afraid you are not Zhang He's match because you are too old.” When Huang Zhong heard this, his gray hair angrily stood on end. He said, “Old as I am, I am able to open two bows and am full of vitality.” Huang went down and got a big sword off the rack and performed with it. He took two hard bows off the wall and pulled them broken. Then Zhuge Liang said: “If you go ,whom would you like to be your assistant?” Huang Zhong replied, “Veteran Yan Yan. If the two of us can not defeat Zhang He, my gray-haired bead is yours.” Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were very pleased. The veteran generals were ordered to fight Zhang He. When Huang Zhong and Yan Yan got to Jiameng Pass, they laid a trap to defeat Zhang He. Then they used skillful tactics to take over Tiandang Mountain, the granary of Cao Cao's army. Later, they captured Dingjun Mountain. They reported back to Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang declaring a complete victory.

黄忠是蜀军中有名的老将。曹将张郃在连吃败仗的情况下,曹洪又给他五千人马叫他攻打葭萌关。刘备得知,与军师集众商议对策。诸葛亮说:“ 张郃是曹操手下名将,要想取胜只有张飞才行。”诸葛亮一句话,激怒了老将黄忠,只见他大声喊道:“军师太小看人了,我黄忠愿取张郃首级,献于军师帐下。” 诸葛亮再激道:“你虽然很勇敢,但年纪太大了,恐怕不是张郃的对手。”黄忠听了,气的白发倒竖说:“我虽然老了,但两臂能开三石之弓,浑身还有千斤之力。 ”只见黄忠大步走下堂,取下架上大刀,舞动如飞,拿下墙上硬弓,一连拉断两张。诸葛亮说:“将军要去,谁做你的副将。”黄忠说:“老将严颜。如果我俩不能取胜,我愿献上这颗白头。”刘备、诸葛亮大喜。命二人带兵与张郃交战。黄忠、严颜到了葭萌关,先用计打败张郃,又用智夺取了曹操的屯粮重地天荡山。而后又攻下定军山,果然大获全胜而归。


Guan Yus Loyal Deed of Letting Cao Cao Run Away

This story is from the novel Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao's troops had suffered heavy casualties in the Chibi Campaign and there were only 300 troops left. Cao Cao led these troops to Huarongdao in retreat. While marching on, Cao Cao, riding horseback, pointed his whip and laughed loudly, saying, “People say Zhuge Liang is wise and full of clever stratagems, but it seems to me he is as incapable as the average general. If he had an army waiting in ambush over there, I would have no way out.” Before he could finish his words, the thunder of cannons was heard and an army headed by Guan Yu stormed out of hiding to block their way. At the sight of Guan Yu's mighty force, the hopeless and disappointed Cao Cao had to beg Guan Yu for a way out. “Now I am pressed in the corner. Please take mercy on me for our past friendship and let me go.” “I have already repaid you for your kindness,” replied General Guan. “Today I can't do anything harmful to the nation.” “Do you remember your killing my six generals while you passed through the five passes?” Cao Cao reminded Guan Yu. In his mind, Guan Yu admitted that if Cao Cao did not ordered his men to let Guan Yu pass through, he would not have gotten through the five passes alive. Guan Yu, a man who valued loyalty highly, ordered his men to make a way and gestured Cao Cao to pass through. Thus, Cao Cao made it through alive.

赤壁之战曹军大败,所剩三百人马,跟随曹操向华容道退去。正走间,曹操突然在马背上扬鞭大笑说:“ 别人都说诸葛亮足智多谋,我看也是无能之辈,如果他在这里埋伏一支队伍,今天我们只有死路一条了。”曹操的话音刚落,只听一声炮响,关羽领一支人马栏住去路。曹操见了,丢魂丧胆,只得央求关羽说:“我今天无路可走了,望将军看在我们往日的情份上,给我留一条活路!”关羽说:“你的恩情我已报答,今天不能为私情误了国家大事。”曹操说:“将军还记得过五关斩六将吗?”关羽听了,心中暗想,如果不是曹操关照,我闯过五关也保不住性命。关羽是个重义之人,忙士兵闪开一条路,摆手让曹操他们过去,曹操终于保住了性命。
