
发布时间:2016-12-02 02:35


securities n.有价证券

time hull insurance 船舶定期保险

marine insurance 海损保险

maritime transportation insurance 海洋运输保险

fire insurance 火险

cargo insurance 货物保险

account number 帐目编号

depositor 存户

pay-in slip 存款单

a deposit form 存款单

a banding machine 自动存取机

to deposit 存款

deposit receipt 存款收据


private deposits 私人存款

certificate of deposit 存单

deposit book, passbook 存折

credit card 信用卡

principal 本金

overdraft, overdraw 透支

to counter sign 双签

to endorse 背书

endorser 背书人

to cash 兑现

to honor a cheque 兑付

to dishonor a cheque 拒付

to suspend payment 止付

cheque,check 支票

cheque book 支票本

order cheque 记名支票

bearer cheque 不记名支票

crossed cheque 横线支票

blank cheque 空白支票

rubber cheque 空头支票

cheque stub, counterfoil 票根

cash cheque 现金支票

traveler s cheque 旅行支票

cheque for transfer 转帐支票

outstanding cheque 未付支票

canceled cheque 已付支票

forged cheque 伪支票

Bandar s note 庄票,银票

balance sheet 资产负债表

cash flow 现金流转

glossary 术语表

money order 汇款单,汇票

letter of credit n.(银行发行的)信用证

charge for 想……收费

overdraw v.透支

overdraft n.透支, 透支之款项

endorse v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文件), 认可, 签署

liability n.责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, , 与assets相对

asset n., 有用的东西

solvent adj. 有偿付能力的 n.溶媒, 溶剂, 解决方法
