
发布时间:2017-05-17 18:25


适合小学二年级的英语诗歌:Peter Prim the Fire-Eater

Peter Prim the fire-eater

ate a propane camping heater,

followed by a butane lighter,

and a barbecue igniter.

Next he drank some gasoline,

and a quart of kerosene

(or perhaps it was a liter;

no one knows for sure but Peter).

Last, to finish off the batch

Peter ate a flaming match.

Bits of Peter Prim, they say,

lit a half a mile away

(or perhaps a kilometer;

who's to say except for Peter?).

Nothing more was seen of him.

Rest in pieces, Peter Prim.

适合小学二年级的英语诗歌:Useless Wristwatch

My wristwatch has no minute hand

upon it's empty face,

and where the hour hand should be

there's nothing there but space.

My wristwatch simply won't tell time.

It's useless as can be.

I can't tell if it's half past five

or seventeen till three.

It could be nearly midnight

or it could be ten till four.

Without an hour or minute hand

I'm not sure anymore.

My wristwatch isn't working out

the way that I had planned.

I guess that I deserved this, though:

I bought it secondhand.

适合小学二年级的英语诗歌:Roddy Rapscallion

I'm Roddy Rapscallion

I'm rowdy and rude.

I'm coarse and I'm callous.

I'm crabby and crude.

I'm gross and uncivil.

I'm hardly a joy.

There never was known

a more boisterous boy.

I screech and I squabble.

I bellow and bawl.

I haven't got friends

'cause I argue and brawl.

I'm nasty and noxious.

I rant and I rave.

I'm always in trouble.

I never behave.

I like to throw tantrums

from morning till night.

Except when my mom's around;

then I'm polite.

适合小学二年级的英语诗歌:Slim Sam's Ship Shop

Slim Sam's Ship Shop

sells Sam's shrimp ships.

Trim Tom's Chip Shop

sells Tom's shrimp chips.

Slick Nick's Snack Shack

sells Nick's stick snacks.

Doc Jacques' Slack Shack

sells Jacques' black slacks.

Nick shops Jacques' shack.

Jacques sells Nick slacks.

Jacques shops Nick's shack.

Nick sells Jacques snacks.

Sam skips Tom's shop.

Tom's shrimp chips drop.

Tom skips Sam's shop.

Sam shrimp ships flop.

Nick swaps snacks for

Doc Jacques' black slacks.

Jacques' swaps slacks for

Slick Nick's stick snacks.

Sam, Tom skip shop?

Chips drop, ships flop.

Nick, Jacques shop shacks?

Slacks and snacks swap.

适合小学二年级的英语诗歌:We're Skydiving Elephants

We're skydiving elephants, bulging and bold.

We're dazzling and daring; a sight to behold.

We leap from our airplane at dizzying heights,

to soar through the sky on spectacular flights.

Our airborne maneuvers are one-of-a-kind.

We spin in the air with our trunks intertwined.

We tuck and we tumble, we twist and we twirl.

We somersault freely, we wiggle and whirl.

We flip and we flutter while turning our tails,

unfurling our ears like magnificent sails.

We swivel and swim in a synchronized crawl

or swan-dive in spirals as earthward we fall.

The onlookers gawk in an awestricken trance

to witness our wonderful aerial dance.

They clap at our kicks and rejoice at our rolls,

and shriek as our landings leave walloping holes.
