
发布时间:2017-03-16 11:12


Angling to get the firm abs of a Victoria's Secret model? One personal trainer insists that sticking to sit-ups won't get you there.


"Just doing sit-ups alone won't get you rock hard abs because you're only working to strengthen one singular area, which is like trying to build the outer layers of a house with no foundations underneath," she explained.

It means that unless you're doing sit-ups as part of a greater work-out routine —— like with cardio and planks —— you shouldn't expect to see any visible results when looking at your tummy in the mirror.





文中的firm abs就是“马甲线”的意思,abs是abdominal muscles的简称。其中firm作形容词,多指组织与构造是“坚硬的,结实的”,如:firm mattress (坚硬的床垫);而solid指结构很坚固,能抵抗任何压力,如:solid foundation(结实的地基)

最后一句中的visible是形容词,意为“明显的,看得见的”,如:This star is visible only at sunset. (这颗星星只有在日落时才能看到。)
