
发布时间:2016-12-02 01:22


Dear Sirs,

For the past five years we have been selling your TCL Trump High-Definition Television Sets to wholesalers and large dealers in all parts of Pakistan and our clients are very much satisfied with your products. The styles and colors are very much to the taste of our market. We have built up a considerable number of well-established connections with excellent business results.

As we understand that you have no agent in Pakistan, we would like to offer our services.

For your reference, we would propose a sole agency agreement for a duration of three years with annual turnover of 50,000, 60,000 and 70,000 pieces for the first, second and third year respectively. On all sales, we are entitled to receive a commission of 15%. During the validity of the agency agreement, we shall not handle any other foreign products of the same line and competitive types. The area to be covered by the agency agreement is confined to Pakistan.

If you agree to grant us the sole agency we will devote full attention to the development of your products on the Pakistan market and will go into the matter further.

We look forward to receiving your favorable reply,

Yours faithfully

Xxxxx Company





需要说明一下,在未来的三年中我们希望成为贵司在巴基斯坦市场唯一的代理商,我们计划连续三年我们的营业额分别达到50,000, 60,000 和70,000. 我们要求拿到所有营业额15%的佣金。在与贵司代理合同有效期内,我司将不再代理其它任何同类产品。因为市场的需求量是有限制的。




代理可分为:独家代理 Sole Agent or Exclusive Agent; 一般代理 Agent; 总代理 General Agent. 几种方式所对应的权限与义务有一些区别外,其它都差不多。至于代理商的酬金,是委托人对代理方按其经营金额,以佣金的形式支付的。
