
发布时间:2017-03-23 16:31



good evening




大家晚上好 Good evening everyone

亲吻晚上好 kiss good night

怀念你晚上好 Miss you Good night



1. He stuck his hand out and he said, "Good evening."


2. Good evening, your Excellency.


3. " Good evening! Terrible weather, isn't it? "" Yes, dreadful. ”

“ 晚上好! 天气真糟糕, 是不是? ” “是啊, 糟糕极了. ”

4. Defarge brought him the wine, and gave him Good Evening.

德伐日给他送上酒, 说了声“晚上好”.

5. " Good evening, Mrs. Kennedy. And which of you ladies is Mrs. Wilkes ? "

" 晚上好, 肯尼迪太太, 你们哪一位是 威尔克斯 太太 呀 ?

6. Good evening, citizen, " filling his glass.

晚上好, 公民, ” 他往杯里斟酒.

7. Good evening, Mr. Faber. we started without you - I hope you don't mind.

晚上好, 费伯先生! 我们没等您回来就开始了,请不要见怪.

8. Good evening, Mr. Jones. I'm sorry I'm late.

晚上好, 琼斯先生. 很抱歉我迟到了.

9. 'Good - evening, Dance ,'says the doctor, with a nod.'And good - evening to you, friend Jim.

“ 晚上好, 丹斯先生. ”大夫点点头说, “ 晚上好, 吉姆小朋友.

10. However, he did not seem at all ferocious, and only said gruffly " Good evening, Beauty. "

然而, 他看上去似乎一点也不凶狠, 只是粗嗄地说, “ 晚上好, 美女. ”

11. Good evening. Do you have a table for two?

晚上好, 有两人的桌子 吗 ?

12. Salesperson: Good evening. May I help you?

店员: 晚上好. 您想买 什么 ?

13. Good evening. Would you like to start off with a cocktail?

晚上好, 您要先来杯鸡尾酒 吗 ?

14. Good evening, madam. Good evening, sir.

晚上好, 太太! 晚上好, 先生!

15. Good evening, sir! What can I do for you tonight?

晚上好, 先生! 今晚您想来点什么?
