
发布时间:2017-03-16 12:20


Though heavily advertised, the whitening toothpastes only partially whiten teeth and don't provide a complete remedy.


Very few whitening toothpastes have undergone any type of clinical trial, and ones that are too abrasive can damage teeth or make them very sensitive.

It's necessary to brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush and use desensitizing toothpaste containing fluoride and either potassium nitrate or strontium chloride, because both help block the transmission of sensations from the tooth to the nerve.

If possible, purchase an electric toothbrush to remove stains and plaque more efficiently and to keep those teeth sparkling white.






文中的whitening toothpaste就是“美白牙膏”的意思,其中toothpaste(牙膏)是合成词,由tooth(牙齿)和paste(膏,糊)组合而成,如:a tube of toothpaste(一支牙膏),相关词汇还有:toothbrush(牙刷),toothpick(牙签),mouthwash(漱口水)等。

最后一段中的stain作名词,意为“污垢,污斑”,如:The stain on his shirt is difficult to clean off.(他衬衣上的污点很难去除掉。)
