
发布时间:2017-05-26 09:18


关于高中生英语故事:The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban

In the country of Zouman, in Persia, there lived a Greek king. This king was a leper(麻风病患者), and all his doctors had been unable to cure him, when a very clever physician came to his court.

He was very learned in all languages, and knew a great deal about herbs and medicines.

As soon as he was told of the king's illness he put on his best robe and presented himself before the king. "Sire," said he, "I know that no physician has been able to cure your majesty, but if you will follow my instructions, I will promise to cure you without any medicines or outward application."

The king listened to this proposal.

"If you are clever enough to do this," he said, "I promise to make you and your descendants rich for ever."

The physician went to his house and made a polo club, the handle of which he hollowed out(挖空), and put in it the drug he wished to use. Then he made a ball, and with these things he went the next day to the king.

He told him that he wished him to play at polo. Accordingly the king mounted his horse and went into the place where he played. There the physician approached him with the bat he had made, saying, "Take this, sire, and strike the ball till you feel your hand and whole body in a glow. When the remedy that is in the handle of the club is warmed by your hand it will penetratethroughout your body. The you must return to your palace, bathe, and go to sleep, and when you awake to-morrow morning you will be cured."

The king took the club and urged his horse after the ball which he had thrown. He struck it, and then it was hit back by the courtiers who were playing with him. When he felt very hot he stopped playing, and went back to the palace, went into the bath, and did all that the physician had said. The next day when he arose he found, to his great joy and astonishment, that he was completely cured. When he entered his audience-chamber all his courtiers, who were eager to see if the wonderful cure had been effected, were overwhelmed with joy.

The physician Douban entered the hall and bowed low to the ground. The king, seeing him, called him, made him sit by his side, and showed him every mark of honour.

That evening he gave him a long and rich robe of state, and presented him with two thousandsequins(亮片). The following day he continued to load him with favours.

Now the king had a grand-vizir who was avaricious, and envious, and a very bad man. He grew extremely jealous of the physician, and determined to bring about his ruin.

In order to do this he asked to speak in private with the king, saying that he had a most important communication to make.

"What is it?" asked the king.

"Sire," answered the grand-vizir, "it is most dangerous for a monarch to confide in a man whose faithfulness is not proved, You do not know that this physician is not a traitor come here to assassinate you."

"I am sure," said the king, "that this man is the most faithful and virtuous of men. If he wished to take my life, why did he cure me? Cease to speak against him. I see what it is, you are jealous of him; but do not think that I can be turned against him. I remember well what a vizir said to King Sindbad, his master, to prevent him from putting the prince, his son, to death."

What the Greek king said excited the vizir's curiousity, and he said to him, "Sire, I beg your majesty to have the condescension to tell me what the vizir said to King Sindbad."

"This vizir," he replied, "told King Sindbad that one ought not believe everything that a mother-in-law says, and told him this story."

关于高中生英语故事:The Monkey and the Elephant

After a heavy lunch, a little monkey took a nap between the branches on the top of a tall tree.

Suddenly, he was awakened by a kind of desperate cry for help. Opening up his eyes, the monkey found a stout mantis tightly holding a delicate branch with his saw-like forelimbs.

The insect was crying for help, as a black bird at a not too far distance was preparing to attack him. Without hesitation, the monkey jumped over and frightened away the bird.

"Thank you very much for saving my life, Mr. Monkey," the mantis said, "When I discovered I was followed by a bird, I realized that if I moved, the bird would attack me immediately. If I stayed there without moving, the bird would attack me immediately. If you had not come in time, I would have already been murdered. I deeply appreciate your big favor and don't know how to pay you back."

"It is my pleasure," the monkey replied pleasantly, then jumped to another tree to look for fun. "Saving a small creature's life is wonderful. I'll keep doing things like that as much as possible," The monkey said to himself elatedly as he was leaping through the abundant leaves and branches. When the monkey rested at a coarse branch, he suddenly heard another cry, and it was more than one cry.

Following the direction of crying, the monkey quickly found four small birds crying in a nest. They cried because they were desperately hungry. "I think I'll die if Mom does not bring food home soon," one baby bird cried to the other ones and the other three ones responded with the same crying.

At this moment, the mother bird flew back. Amid cheers, the large black bird comforted her babies, "Sorry, my dear children, I did not bring you any food this trip. A little while ago, I was almost sure to catch a stout mantis." If a naughty monkey had not interfered, that mantis would have made a good meal for my kids. Anyway, I'll keep looking for food for you."

The mother bird hastily kissed each of her children and flew away on her mission again, leaving those hungry little ones powerlessly crying.

Having quietly overheard the birds' conversation, the monkey was upset. He was totally confused. He stopped a mother to bring food to feed her hungry children. Was he wrong or right? Since he could not get the right answer, he jumped down on the ground. He went to consult with the most knowledgeable elephant.

"You didn't don't do anything wrong." The authoritative elephant replied the money. "In the world, nobody can take care of everyone."

The elephant is right. Any good thing still has an opposite side effect. A Chinese philosopher said, "As long as we have done what we should, we can not expect approval from everyone."

关于高中生英语故事:The lame man and the blind man

A blind man, being stopped in a bad piece of road, met a lame man, and entreated(恳求) him to help him out of the difficulty into which he had fallen.

"How can I," replied the lame man, "since I can scarcely drag myself along. I am lame, and you look very strong."

"I am strong enough," said the other, "I could go if I could but see the way."

"Oh, then we may help each other," said the lame man," If you take me on your shoulders, we will seek our fortunes together. I will be eyes for you, and you shall be feet for me."

"With all my heart," said the blind man," let us render each other our mutual services."

So he took his lame companion upon his back, and they traveled on with safety and pleasure.
