新广州版五年级上册英语Module 3期末复习试题

发布时间:2017-06-18 14:29

在期末就要来临的时候,对于五年英语的复习要怎样做练习呢?接下来,小编就和大家分享一套2017年新广州版五年级上册英语Module 3期末复习试题,希望对大家有帮助!

2017年新广州版五年级上册英语Module 3期末复习试题


可能______ 找到_______ 冰淇淋______ 寻找____________

做锻炼___________ 在学校商店__________ 做作业______________


play music, take exercise, do one’s homework, eat ice cream, go swimming, read books, winter holiday, summer holiday, in the music room, in the gym, in the classroom, at the school shop, at the swimming pool, at the library, in the playground, in his study, on the street, on weekdays, after school, after dinner…


1. Where is Ben? He is at the swimming pool.

2. I often play football after school.

3. He likes skating.

4. Does Ben often go swimming? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

5. What do you usually do after school? I usually do my homework.

6. Where do you usually go in the afternoon? I usually go to the library.


1. 频率副词:always 总是 usually 通常often 经常 sometimes 有时 never 从不

2. do one’s homework 做家庭作业

3. on weekdays 在工作日 at the weekend 在周末

4. play with 玩,玩弄,和…为伴

如:I want to play with you. 我想跟你一起玩。

5. look for 寻找

如:What do they look for? 他们在寻找什么?

6. stare at 凝视,盯着 while 当……的时候

如:While he is playing computer games, his father stares at him.


7. be afraid of sth. / doing sth. 害怕,担心,恐惧

Dave很害怕狗。 ________________________-

我害怕开车。 ________________________

8. Does Ben often go swimming? 本句中的主语Ben是第三人称单数。在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词也要用第三人称单数形式,即在动词原形后面加s或es。

注:1)人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数。

如:She reads English book every morning.


如 :The dog likes running.

3)单数可数名词或“this / that / the + 单数可数名词”作主语时,是第三人称单数。

如:A horse is a useful animal. This book is mine.

4)不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代词this, that作主语时,是第三人称单数。

如:Someone is under the tree. This is a pen.


如:The milk is in the glass.


1)一般动词,直接在词尾加s。如:play--plays, want--wants, get--gets, like--likes等。

2)以字母s、x、ch或o结尾的动词加es。如:go--goes, do--does, watch--watches等。

3)以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先把y变i,再加es。如:study---studies, fly---flies等。



1、在图书馆__________________ 2、在体育馆__________________

3、做家庭作业________________ 4、在游泳池__________________

5、在周末____________________ 6、在工作日__________________

7、放学后____________________ 8、去看电影__________________

9、寻找______________________ 10、在大街上_________________

11、做运动___________________ 12、在书房__________________


( )1.Is your photo in the drawer? ________.

A.Yes, I am B.No,it is C.Yes,it is D.No,I’m not

( )2. _____Mr Black? He’s in the gym.

A.Where B.Where’s C.Where’re D.Where are

( )3.________ under the tree? No,they aren’t.

A.Where are B.What is C.Are they D.Is it

( )4.Where are your brothers? ________.

A.He is at home B.He is in his room C.Yes,they are D.I don’t know

( )5.What’s under the desk? ________.

A.It’s a football B.I can see a set of keys

C.They are red box D.There’s a cat

( )6. ____ Jim usually ___ after school?

A. Do; goes B. does; goes C. Do; go D. Does; go

( )7.Anny is ____her ruler?

A. look at B. looking for C. looks for D. looking

( )8. __________ book is ___________ the floor.

A. An;on B.A;under C. The;under D. The;on

( )9. —______are your friends?—They are ______ theclassroom(教室).

A. Where;on B. How;inC. Where;in D. Who;in

( )10. ______I ask you questions, please stand up.

A. While B. Where C. Who D. What

( )11. ______ these your parents ?

A. Am B. Are C. is D. Is


1. never, on, he, takes, weekdays, exercise.(连词成句)


2. My hat is on the dresser. (变为一般疑问句并做否定回答)

_________________________________ _____________________

3. The notebooks are on the floor. (就划线部分提问)


4.We are in Beijing.(就划线部分提问)


5. She usually play music after school.(改为否定句并作出肯定回答)

___________________________________ ______________________

四、 从II中找出与I意思相同的选项。

I栏 II栏

( )1. Where’s the girl? A. They are in the room.

( ) 2. What’s this in English? B. Black.

( ) 3. What colour is the bag? C. Yes, he is.

( ) 4. Where are the women? D. Yes, it’s.

( ) 5. Is Jacket in the classroom? E. No, he doesn’t.

( ) 6. Is this a computer game? F. Yes, there is.

( ) 7. What’s your hobby? G. Yes, I can.

( ) 8. Is there a TV on the table? H. Behind the door.

( )9. Can you bring me your photos? I . My hobby is running.

( )10. Does Jim often eat ice cream? J. It’s a black bag.

Unit 6 At the weekend


周末_______ 忙的______ 醒来______ 早的;早地______

太太______ 市场______ 儿子______ 少年宫________ 外面______

娱乐____________ 电影院______ 极少地______ 停留______


at the weekend, wake up, go out, have fun, go to the cinema, go to the library, stay at home, talk about, make breakfast, Children’s Palace…


1. What do you do at the weekend? I often help my mother do the housework.

2. Sometimes Tony likes staying at home and watching TV.

3. She always plays table tennis in the gym after class.

4. Does your mother often go swimming at the weekend?

Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.


1. be busy with sth. 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

如:She is busy with her children. 她忙于照顾孩子。

他正忙于做家庭作业。 ________________________________

2. wake up 醒来,唤醒,叫醒

Be quiet. Don’t wake up your father.

3. go out 外出 go to the cinema 去电影院,看电影

stay at home 留在家里,呆在家里

4. talk with sb. 和某人聊天 talk about sth. 与某人谈论某事

他们正在谈论寒假去哪里玩。 __________________________________

5. introduce 介绍,引进 introduce myself 自我介绍

introduce sth. to sb. = introduce sb. sth. 介绍…给某人

如:Let me introduce a friend to you. = Let me introduce you a friend.


让我给你介绍几本故事书吧。 ___________________________________

6. want to do sth. 想要做某事 want sb. to do sth 想要某人做某事

她的父母向让她学习游泳。 ____________________________________

7. most of + 复数名词 大多数的……

如:most of us 我们大多数 most of them 他们大多数 most of tome 大部分时间

8. make sb. + 形容词 使某人… make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

我让所有的人都很开心。 _____________________________________

9. have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself 玩的开心

他们在公园玩得很开心。 _______________________________________

10. 频率副词:

频率副词 词义 大致发生的频率

always 总是 100%

usually 通常 80%

often 经常 60%

sometimes 有时 30%

never 从不 0



1. Tony __________(not sing )well.

2. My brother always _________(play) football on Sundays.

3. I _________(like) fish, but my sister __________(not like).

4 .My sister and I often ______(go) to the zoo on Sundays.

5. Can you _______(speak) English and Chinese?

6. Every day she ______(get)up at 7:00 a.m.

7 .What _____ you usually ______(do) on Sunday.

8. We _____(have) a good time.

9. He _______usually______(not do)his homework in the morning.

10. ______Kate sometimes ______(watch) TV after school?

11. He likes ___________(呆在家里) and ____________(看电视) at the weekend.

12. Does she often _________(去看电影)on Saturday?

13. Sally always ___________(醒来) very early.

14. Mr Li is _________(寻找) his watch.

15. The children ____________(玩得开心)in the Children’s Palace.


( )1. Does he get up late _____ the weekend? Yes. He gets up _____ nine.

A. in….on B at….at C on….. at D. on….in

( ) 2.Lucy often helps his mother ______ the housework.

A. does B. with C. to D. for

( )3.Let’s _______ volleyball together

A. go and playing B. goes and play C. go and play D. go and plays

( )4.Xiao Ming is _____ his classmates.

A. talk with B. talks with C. talking with D. talking about

( )5.Does Mary ________ at home? No. At a restaurant.

A. have supper B. has supper C. have a supper D. has a supper

( )6. I want you __________with me.

A. go swimming B. to go swim C. go swim D. to go swimming

( )7. Can you _____me an English story?

A. speak B. say C. tell D. spell

( )8. ______ is your brother? He is a doctor.

A. Where B. Who C. What D. When

( )9. ______ is your mother? She is in the park.

A. Where B. Who C. What D. When

( )10. He often helps me _______ the house.

A. cleans B. cleaning C. clean D. to cleaning

( )11. Let’s _____ together after school.

A. go to school B. go home C. to go home D. to go to school

( )12. They ______ their hobby.

A .talking about B.are talking with C. are talking about D. talking with

( )13. What ______ Dave usually _______ at the weekend?

A. does; does B. do; do C. does; do D. do; does

( )14. He is always busy ______ Chinese on weekdays.

A. learning B. learn C. learns D. with learn

( )15. Sometimes they ______ his grandparents on Sunday.

A. visiting B. is visiting C. visit D. visits


1. The girl does her homework at home.(否定句)

The girl _____ ______ her homework at home.

2. Millie does housework at the weekend.(变一般疑问句并作否定回答)

________Millie _______housework at the weekend?

________, she_________.

3. She doesn’t go to the cinema. (改为肯定句)

She _____ ______ the cinema.

4. The boy is reading a book.(对划线部分提问)

___ _____is reading a book?

5. Amy’s mother is at home. (对划线部分提问)


6. Tom usually stays at home and watches TV at the weekend. (对划线部分提问)


7. They do their homework in the evening.(改为否定句)


8. Tom studies hard at school every day.(改成一般疑问句)


9. Lucy often goes to the park at the weekend.(对划线部分提问)


10.She doesn’t listen to the teacher in class. (改成肯定句)


11.I often read English in the morning(对划线部分提问)


12.She runs with her dog for fifteen minutes. (改成一般疑问句,并否定回答)



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