
发布时间:2017-06-01 09:17



1. It was already impossible to tell where the bullet had entered.


2. He disagreed fundamentally with the President's judgment.


3. Judging from his accent, he must be from Hunan.

从他的口音判断, 他一定是湖南人.

4. One should not judge a thing by the outside.


5. I gathered from the way she replied that she wasn't very enthusiastic.


6. I reasoned from his silence that he was unhappy.


7. I judged, from his manner, that he was guilty.

从他的举止态度来看, 我判断他有罪.

8. Their approach to the problem is fundamentally misguided.


9. Do not judge according to the appearance.


10. His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.


11. Judging by the letters in the newspapers, one infers that many people are anxious to rush into print.

从报刊的文字判断, 不难看出许多人热衷于仓促出版.

12. To judge by one rather ambiguous drawing they trapped and killed it.


13. Do not judge by appearances.


14. She did not know where he had been born - his accent gave no clue.


15. Sometimes the stability is stated in terms of the added rearward travel possible without instability.



1. 你可以从一个人的土音判断他是爱尔兰人还是约克郡人,但我可以将这个地理范围缩小到6英里以内。

Anyone can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue, but I can place a man within six miles.

2. 从这张照片我无法判断翼下的特徵,但他看起来是比较壮硕,翅膀也比较宽大。

Can't judge the underwing from that photo, but it does look to be a rather bulky and broad-winged bird.

3. (从他的口音来判断,他必定是台湾人。)

Judging from his accent, he must be a Taiwanese.

4. 然而,从本周最高法院裁决的一份副本中,可以判断选举权法中有一项法规尚未定性。

But one of its provisions could be on borrowed time, judging by the subtext of a Supreme Court ruling this week.

5. 从他的口音判断,他一定是南方人。

Judge by his accent, he must be from the south.

6. 从她的口音判断,她准是南方人。

Judging by her accent, she must be a Southerner.

7. 可以判断的趋势是,这种调整正在从被动转为主动。

From this, we could judge, this redressal is change passivity into initiative.

8. 从作案手法分析,办案民警判断嫌疑人应为惯犯。

From the committing a crime technique analysis, the handling a case police judges the suspect to be a recidivist.

9. 她从灰度等级来判断图片的质量。

She judged the picture quality according to the grey degree scale.

10. 从原理上判断和估计了电熔板状刚玉结晶体和阔气孔的形成条件。

The forming condition of crystal and closed pore in tabular alundum produced with electric melting is estimated and determined theoretically.

11. 本基音检测方法是利用汉语语音结构特点,以主循环为基本概念,在时域上处理确定浊音音段的基音,而对清浊不明晰的音段,从时、频域两方面进行基音估算,并设计了基音选择逻辑和清浊音判断逻辑。

NPD first calculates a pitch period through a time_domain principle cycle piker and the estimate is checked by some criterion to ascertain whether it is the true one or not.

12. 从他的口音判断,他一定是南方人。

Judging by his accent, he must be from the South.

13. 一个人的性格可从他交往何种类型的人而加以判断。

A man's character can be measured by the types of men with whom he associates.

14. 手相的判断从手掌上的纹、线或图案判断一个人的命运的实践或艺术

The practice or art of telling fortunes from the lines, marks, and patterns on the palms of the hands.

15. 从她在杂志上的照片判断,她长得极其迷人。

She was extremely attractive, to judge from the magazine photographs.



Japanese policymakers say that Tokyo has gained some consent from the G7 on intervention.


For preschool-aged children, we can not diagnosis amblyopia if his best correct vision does notreach 0.8, we must consider the corresponding cognition of the children.


A survey on Friday is expected to show a dip in business confidence in Germany, with the Ifobusiness climate index forecast to slip to 113.5 in June from 114.2 the prior month.


U.S. retail sales were also eyed for clues on the economy's health.


"I will not buy the financial sector on valuation grounds. Pharmaceuticals, without any doubt, are very attractively valued," said Fortis' Gijsels.

这点可以从上周的两个关键数据判断出来:新房销售量比上个月下降11.2% ,比预计的低了3.5%,以及消费者信心显著下降。

Confirmation comes from two data points last week: Month-to-month new-home sales dropped11.2%, after expectations of a 3.5% gain, and consumer confidence declined significantly.


Sales of children’s designer coats and jackets climbed 13 percent to $3.69 billion from 2007 to2009, Euromonitor estimates.

大都会保险(MetLifeInc.)的研究机构MatureMarketInstitute的负责人桑迪? 蒂默曼(SandyTimmermann)说,判断一下从现在起最长40年,你每个月需要多少钱。

Determine how much money you'll need on a monthly basis for as long as 40 years from now,says Sandy Timmermann, director of Mature Market Institute, a research division at MetLife Inc.


According to Curry Rogers, who specializes in titanosaurs, size is always "a bit tricky" to gaugefrom the few fossils paleontologists have recovered from the group.


Judging from the Irish experience, the EU and the IMF would take a few weeks to come up a planfor Portugal, outlining reforms needed in exchange for the money.


Analysts said there was no sign of relief on the horizon, judging from the depth and breadth ofJanuary's labor market plunge.


"It is highly probable (that it is) a Chondrite judging from the failure surface, " said Hu, addingthat the meteorite weighed 221.5 grams.


Spectrum analysis is also conducted with the result that the significant period is about 20 yearsand the sub-period are 2.2 and 3.3 years.


Spectrum analysis is also conducted with the result that the significant period is about 20 yearsand the sub-period are 2.2 and 3.3 years.
