
发布时间:2017-05-13 13:39




Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She has two ugly stepsisters. They are not kind to Cinderella. Cinderella does all of the work. She must cook, clean and do everything.


Cinderella can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad.


Cinderella's stepsisters leave the house. They are going to the prince's party. Cinderella cries. She also wants to go to the party. Suddenly, a woman shows up. She is a kind fairy.


"Don't worry," says the fairy. "You can go to the prince's party." "I can't go," cries Cinderella. "I don't have a nice dress."


"It will be all right," says the fairy. "Go get a pumpkin, six mice and a rat." Cinderella quickly finds them. "What will you do?" Cinderella asks. The fairy waves her wand over the pumpkin.


The pumpkin is now a beautiful silver coach. The fairy waves her wand over the six mice. She changes them into six strong men. The six men will walk with the coach. Then the fairy changes the rat into a man. He is the driver of the coach.


The coach is beautiful, but Cinderella still looks sad. "I still can't go to the party. My dress is too ugly," she says. "Don't worry," says the fairy. She waves her wand and makes Cinderella's dress beautiful.


Now Cinderella has a nice dress. It is gold and very pretty. Her shoes are made of glass. Cinderella is so beautiful. She can go to the party.


"You must leave the party before twelve o'clock," says the fairy. "At 12:00 the magic will end."

"I will be back before twelve o'clock," says Cinderella. She gets into the coach to go to the party.



The prince's palace is full of people. They are all happy to be at the big party. All the girls want to marry the prince. Then Cinderella walks into the palace. "Who is she?" everyone asks. "She's so beautiful," they say.


The prince sees Cinderella. He asks her to dance with him. All night long they dance and talk. The prince and Cinderella fall in love. At twelve o'clock, Cinderella runs out of the palace.


Cinderella runs and loses one of her glass shoes. She must get home before twelve. She is late. She runs into the house. Now, she is wearing her old dress again.


The prince finds Cinderella's shoe. "I know this shoe. It belongs to that beautiful girl. I'll find her," he says. The next morning, he goes from house to house to find her. He goes to Cinderella's house. The two ugly stepsisters try on the shoe, but their feet are too big.


"Can I try it on?" asks Cinderella. "Yes," the prince says, so Cinderella tries the shoe on. It fits her foot. "I have found my princess," the prince says. Soon Cinderella and the prince get married. They live happily ever after.



A rich man's wife became sick, and when she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said, "Dear child, remain pious and good, and then our dear God will always protect you, and I will look down on you from heaven and be near you." With this she closed her eyes and died.


The girl went out to her mother's grave every day and wept, and she remained pious and good. When winter came the snow spread a white cloth over the grave, and when the spring sun had removed it again, the man took himself another wife.


This wife brought two daughters into the house with her. They were beautiful, with fair faces, but evil and dark hearts. Times soon grew very bad for the poor stepchild.


"Why should that stupid goose sit in the parlor with us?" they said. "If she wants to eat bread, then she will have to earn it. Out with this kitchen maid!"


They took her beautiful clothes away from her, dressed her in an old gray smock, and gave her wooden shoes. "Just look at the proud princess! How decked out she is!" they shouted and laughed as they led her into the kitchen.


There she had to do hard work from morning until evening, get up before daybreak, carry water, make the fires, cook, and wash. Besides this, the sisters did everything imaginable to hurt her. They made fun of her, scattered peas and lentils into the ashes for her, so that she had to sit and pick them out again. In the evening when she had worked herself weary, there was no bed for her. Instead she had to sleep by the hearth in the ashes. And because she always looked dusty and dirty, they called her Cinderella.

她被迫去干艰苦的活儿。每天天不亮就起来担水、生火、做饭、洗衣,而且还要忍受她们姐妹对她的漠视和折磨。到了晚上, 她累得筋疲力尽时,连睡觉的床铺也没有,不得不睡在炉灶旁边的灰烬中,这一来她身上都沾满了灰烬,又脏,又难看,由於这个原因她们就叫她灰姑娘。

One day it happened that the father was going to the fair, and he asked his two stepdaughters what he should bring back for them.


"Beautiful dresses," said the one.


"Pearls and jewels," said the other.


"And you, Cinderella," he said, "what do you want?"


"Father, break off for me the first twig that brushes against your hat on your way home."


So he bought beautiful dresses, pearls, and jewels for his two stepdaughters. On his way home, as he was riding through a green thicket, a hazel twig brushed against him and knocked off his hat. Then he broke off the twig and took it with him. Arriving home, he gave his stepdaughters the things that they had asked for, and he gave Cinderella the twig from the hazel bush.

父亲回来时,他为前两个女儿带回了她们想要的漂亮衣服和珍珠钻石。在路上,他穿过一片浓密的矮树林时,有一根榛树枝条碰着了他,几乎把他的帽子都要扫下来了,所以他把这根树枝折下来带上了。回到家里时, 他把树枝给了他女儿。

Cinderella thanked him, went to her mother's grave, and planted the branch on it, and she wept so much that her tears fell upon it and watered it. It grew and became a beautiful tree.Cinderella went to this tree three times every day, and beneath it she wept and prayed.


A white bird came to the tree every time, and whenever she expressed a wish, the bird would throw down to her what she had wished for.


Now it happened that the king proclaimed a festival that was to last three days. All the beautiful young girls in the land were invited, so that his son could select a bride for himself. When the two stepsisters heard that they too had been invited, they were in high spirits.



Once upon a time, there was a kind and pretty girl named Cinderella. She had to live in the kitchen and do all the work in the house.

One day, the Prince invited all the girls to b big party at the palace, but Cinderella was ordered to stay home. She was sad. Suddenly, a fairy appeared. She turned a pumpkin into a wonderful coach and the shoes into shining glass slippers! Cinderella happily got in the coach. He fairy said, “Remember, come back before midnight!”

Cinderella was the most beautiful girl at the party and the Prince danced every dance with her She was so happy that she forgot the time. Suddenly, she heard the bell strike twelve. She ran out in a hurry and left a slipper on the way.

The next morning, the Prince had all the girls in the country try on the slipper. Finally, he found Cinderella. They got married and were happy ever after.





