
发布时间:2017-03-16 10:00

摘要:“待用咖啡”的英语表达是suspended coffee。一个月前,一家咖啡馆推出了上海第一杯“待用咖啡”,倡导爱心市民为那些囊中羞涩又有需要的陌生人“随手多买一杯咖啡”。

A simple act of charity and generosity that started in a coffee shop in Naples, Italy, is spreading around the world and has become a trending topic on Sina Weibo. It's called "Suspended Coffee".

In Bulgaria, more than 150 cafes have joined an initiative modeled on the suspended coffee tradition.


In Spain, Gonzalo Sapina, a young man from Barcelona, started a network called "Cafes Pendientes" (pending coffees) and promoted the initiative among numerous coffee shops.


在保加利亚,有超过150家咖啡馆自发加入“待用咖啡”行动,来推行这项传统的善举。在西班牙,来自巴塞罗那的年轻人冈萨罗•萨比那创立了名为“待用咖啡” 的网站,在众多咖啡馆中推行该善举。


“suspended coffee”在文中解释为待用咖啡,“suspended”解释为待用的、暂停的。文中的pending coffee也可以解释为待用咖啡。“cafes pendiente”是西班牙语,解释为待用咖啡,相当于英语中的suspended coffee和pending coffee。
