
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:05

名词解释:商标侵权(TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT)即:商标侵权行为,是指:行为人未经商标权人许可,在相同或类似商品上使用与其注册商标相同或近似的商标,或者其他干涉、妨碍商标权人使用其注册商标,损害商标权人合法权益的其他行为。侵权人通常需承担停止侵权的责任,明知或应知是侵权的行为人还要承担赔偿的责任。情节严重的,还要承担刑事责任.你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Technology giant Apple Inc. could face a fine of 240 million yuan (US$38 million) by Beijing market administrative authorities on its trademark infringement of iPad. Chinese company Proview Technology Shenzhen has filed a lawsuit against Apple, accusing it infringing on its iPad trademark.


According to Proview, IP Application Development, which bought the trademark in 2009 from the Taiwan-based Proview Electronics and then sold it to Apple, promised it would not produce anything that competes with Proview's products with the same trademark.



【讲解】文中的trademark infringement即指商标侵权,trademark是指商标,商标注册可以说成trademark registration,如果商标已经被注册,别人再进行注册就算商标侵权了。此外,品牌我们可以说成brand,如品牌效应(brand effect)。文中的fine是指罚款,file a lawsuit是指提起诉讼。
