
发布时间:2017-03-16 11:15


Since 1981, a regulation of the State Council has granted domestic workers paid leave to visit their families once a year if they live far from parents or spouse.


However, some enterprises simply ignore the right of workers to paid leave, the family reunion leave included.

Some employers argue the leave is too long, and it might hurt productivity if implemented. Worse, many workers dare not ask for the leave because they fear losing their jobs.





文中的family reunion leave就是“探亲假”的意思,其中leave作名词,意为“休假”,被批准后离开自己的工作的一段时间,如:带薪休假(paid leave),病假(sick leave),产假(maternity leave)等;而vacation在英国指大学的寒暑假,美国可指任何假日(期),如:His father is away for the vacation. (他爸爸外出度假去了。)

第一段中的grant作动词,意为“批准,许可”,如:He was granted an audience with the President. (他获准被总统接见。)
