
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:08


Yahoo! on Tuesday announced that co-founder Jerry Yang has resigned from its Board of Directors and all other positions with the company.

Yang has also resigned from the Boards of Yahoo! Japan and Alibaba Group Holding limited, said the company in a press release.


In the press release announcing his resignation, Yang said, “My time at Yahoo!, from its founding to the present, has encompassed some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of my life. However, the time has come for me to pursue other interests outside of Yahoo!

雅虎前CEO,同时也是创始人之一的杨致远(Jerry Yang)在当地时间周二宣布辞去CEO一职,并且不会再以任何形式参与公司事务。




辞职的英语表达是resign。其名词表达为resignation。另外这也是辞呈的意思。杨致远(Jerry Yang)是雅虎的创始人之一,co-founder就是共同创始人的意思。founder,是创始人的意思。co-这个前缀有“联合,伴同”的意思,例如,co-worker,就是同事,合作者的意思。CEO这词大家已经都耳熟能详了,其全称是:chief executive officer,也就是首席执行官的意思。相同的表达还有CFO(Chief Finance Officer)首席财务官;COO(Chief Operating Officer) 首席运营官等。董事会一词的英语表达是board。
